对于沃伦•巴菲特来说也是这样。巴菲特的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)今年第一季度斥资5400万美元,买入了美国第二大信用卡支付网络运营商万事达(Mastercard)的一部分股份。托德•康布斯是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司多年以来的第一位新投资经理,这次买入万事达的股份,也是康布斯走马上任后首次出手购股。 伯克希尔哈撒韦公司本周一在一份提交给美国证交会(Securities and Exchange Commission)的文件中写道,该公司以每股约252美元的均价,买入了216000股万事达的股份。 巴菲特曾在信用卡领域犯过一两次错误,巴菲特本人在去年的年度报告中也提到了这些错误。他曾经试图推出美国政府雇员保险公司(Geico)信用卡,但是这次尝试一败涂地,让伯克希尔哈撒韦公司一共损失了5000万美元。 不过伯克希尔哈撒韦公司对万事达的投资目前看来前景还不错。万事达的股份去年上涨了31%(见右图)。本周一,万事达的股票以每股279美元收盘,随后又在盘后交易中上涨到281美元。这意味着伯克希尔哈撒韦公司投在万事达身上的赌本虽然不算很多,但眼下就已经斩获了近600万美元。 大盘的上扬也带动了伯克希尔哈撒韦公司其他股票资产的市值。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司表示,在今年3月31日,该公司的上市股市值为536亿美元,比去年12月31日上涨了10亿美元。 从现有的资料看来,万事达是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司今年第一季度买入的唯一一支新股。而从去年年末到今年的3月31日,该公司所持有的其它股票(伯克希尔哈撒韦公司持有可口可乐和宝洁等大公司的大量股份)的仓位都没有明显变化。 这一点与伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的上一份季度报告相比有了很大变化。在上一季度,由于负责Geico项目的投资主管卢•辛普森在退休前卖掉了许多股份,因而上季度的季报显示,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的许多股票仓位都发生了变化。 观察巴菲特的投资轨迹的人们一直想知道,新投资经理康布斯给伯克希尔哈撒韦公司带来的影响,究竟会从何时开始从这些投资季报中显现出来。人们或许可以从本周一的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司提交给证交会的文件中略见一斑,但在这份文件中,人们很难找到有关康布斯的个人风格的线索。只有随着时间的推移,人们才能知道他的投资风格。 译者:朴成奎 |
So it is with Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) spent $54 million in the first quarter buying shares of the No. 2 U.S. card payment-network operator, Mastercard (MA). The purchase could mark the Berkshire stock-buying debut of Todd Combs, the company's first new portfolio manager in years. Berkshire bought 216,000 shares of Mastercard at an average price of around $252 apiece, the company said Monday in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Buffett has made a mistake or two in the credit card business, as he noted in last year's annual report. He once tried to offer a Geico credit card in a debacle that cost Berkshire $50 million, all told. But so far, so good on this wager: Mastercard shares, up 31% over the past year (see chart, right), closed at $279 Monday before advancing to $281 in after-hours trading. That means Berkshire is up almost $6 million on its modest Mastercard bet. The market rally has lifted the value of the rest of the portfolio as well. Berkshire's listed stocks were valued $53.6 billion at March 31, the company said, up $1 billion from Dec. 31. The Mastercard purchase is the only new stock that appears in the quarterly listing of Berkshire's holdings. None of the company's other stock positions, led by big stakes in giant companies such as Coca-Cola (KO) and Procter & Gamble (PG), changed materially between year-end and March 31. That marks a change from the previous quarterly report, which showed numerous changes as Geico investment chief Lou Simpson sold shares ahead of his retirement. Buffett watchers have been wondering when the influence of Berkshire's new portfolio manager, Combs, would start showing up in these quarterly reports. Monday's filing may offer a glimpse, but it offers few clues as to Combs' style. Those will have to come over time. |