

Elaine Pofeldt 2011-06-30

PetFlow vs. PetSmart


    他们的做法:连续创业者艾利克斯•扎达诺维斯基和乔•斯派泽凭借他们的网络营销技巧创建了一家在网络上销售宠物食品的公司,他们自诩为“宠物食品业的网飞(Netflix)”。2009年末,他们卖出了之前创办的一家初创公司的股份,用筹得的500万美元在纽约创立了这家名为Petflow的公司。他们的商业模式是定期向顾客寄送各种宠物食品,包括蓝色野牛(Blue Buffalo)和Fromm等很难找到的天然品牌。该公司对59美元以下的订单统统收取4.95美元的运费,59美元以上的订单则免收运费。


inVNT vs. 杰克摩顿


    他们的做法:在2008年经济危机期间创办一家活动策划公司诚然是件担风险的事。不过凭借长达21年的从业经验,斯科特•克拉德深信,市场仍然会欢迎一家独立、高效的初创公司来作为埃培智集团(Interpublic Group)旗下的杰克摩顿公司(Jack Morton)等策划巨头的替代性选择。因此他和另外四名合伙人在纽约和华盛顿两地发动了人际网络,争取到了百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)这样的企业用户和人力资源管理学会(Society of Human Resource Management)这样的团体客户。


Arkay包装公司 vs. 国际纸业


    他们的做法:为了让宝洁(Procter & Gamble)和雅诗兰黛(Estée Lauder)等大客户满意,Arkay包装公司的第三代CEO米切尔•卡耐夫强调,要及时向客户交付最高质量的产品。这在他的行业里是个棘手的任务。大量的测试保证了材料在零售环境下也能维持良好的状态,而与客户的即时沟通则有助于确保项目按时完成。公司还掏钱对印刷机房的35名员工进行培训,教会他们掌握先进的技术手段,如可令墨水在包装盒上即印即干的UV打印等。

    Arkay公司的总部位于纽约市的曼哈顿。不过为了避免城市里的高额经营成本,卡耐夫将生产线设在了弗尼吉亚州的小镇罗诺克。随着中国的制造成本上涨,Arkay公司也捕捉到了新的商机。Arkay公司表示, 2010年其销售额上涨了7%,达到了5,000万美元。


PetFlow vs. PetSmart

    The challenge: Can a web startup take on brick-and-mortar pet food retailers?

    What they did: Serial entrepreneurs Alex Zhardanovsky and Joe Speiser tapped their web marketing expertise to create what they call the "Netflix of pet food." Using $5 million from a stake in a previous startup, they launched PetFlow in New York City in late 2009. Their model: regular delivery of a variety of pet food -- including natural, hard-to-find brands like Blue Buffalo and Fromm -- for a flat $4.95 shipping rate for orders up to $59; above that shipping is free.

    To maintain steady revenues, they focus on food rather than one-time purchases like pet toys. Today PetFlow converts about 50% of new customers to auto-shipping deals (mostly women tired of lugging heavy bags from stores). PetFlow says monthly revenue hit almost $1 million in April, up 85% since January.

inVNT vs. Jack Morton Worldwide

    The challenge: Going head-to-head with more established rivals -- during a recession!

    What they did: Launching a liveevents agency during the 2008 slump was kind of risky. But with 21 years in the industry, Scott Cullather was certain the market would welcome a lean, independent startup as an alternative to firms like the giant Interpublic Group's Jack Morton. He and his four partners, based in New York and Washington, D.C., tapped their network to sign corporate accounts like PepsiCo and associations such as the Society of Human Resource Management.

    One key strategy: helping clients quantify the impact of meetings by tracking things like social-media mentions using new analytics tools. For big events, the firm relies on a group of experienced freelancers and contractors. Sales were $19.2 million in 2010, up 101% over the prior year -- and inVNT says it was profitable.

Arkay Packaging vs. International Paper

    The challenge: Well, how about trading blows with some of the world's biggest companies?

    What they did: To keep clients like Procter & Gamble and Estée Lauder satisfied, third-generation CEO Mitchell Kaneff focuses on delivering top-quality products on time -- a trying task in his industry. Extensive testing ensures that materials hold up in the retail setting, and constant contact with customers helps keep projects on schedule. He also invests in education for his pressroom of 35 employees, offering classes in advanced specialties like UV printing, where the ink dries instantly on a box.

    Arkay's headquarters are in Manhattan, but Kaneff avoids the high overhead of doing business in the city by basing production in Roanoke. With manufacturing costs in China rising, Arkay is jumping on new business opportunities. Sales rose 7%, to $50 million, in 2010, according to Arkay.
