

Walter Isaacscon 2011-08-03
华尔街正在津津乐道 LinkedIn 红火的 IPO,并对团宝网和Zynga 上市也报以热切的期待。但那些渴望资金支持的小规模新型公司的情况如何呢?《财富》 杂志在本文中重点介绍了几家前程无量的此类企业。它们正向着卓越进发




    根据金融研究机构复兴资本(Renaissance Capital)的调查,今年,美国市场的IPO已融资260亿美元,比2010年同期相比上涨约150%。今年已经上市的公司(如职业社交网站LinkedIn)以及即将上市的公司(和团购网站Groupon)中,许多公司都是名声在外。


Ready for greatness

    Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman (with his dog Darwin) runs America's leading site where visitors can write reviews on everything from food joints to yoga classes.

    After being stuck in the doldrums for years, America's IPO market is showing signs of life. A renewed appetite for risk, coupled with intense interest in social media and other web-based industries, has investors willing to test the waters once again.

    According to financial research firm Renaissance Capital, initial public offerings in the U.S. market have raised $26 billion so far this year, up nearly 150% from the same period in 2010. Many of the companies that have gone public in 2011, such as LinkedIn (which the market valued at $8.9 billion), and some about to go public, like the web-based coupon company Groupon, are well-known.

    But what about other innovative small companies? Fortune has selected 13 companies with revenues under $200 million that have registered to go public or that industry experts say may do so within the next six to 12 months. Each offers a cutting-edge product or service: Jawbone, for one, has created a Bluetooth headset that interacts with smartphones; another, Bridgelux, is making high-efficiency LED lighting. For more, read on.
