

Alex Talor III 2011-08-09



    这些问题本应宣告敞篷车的功成身退了,但有一点却令人对它难以割舍:车里的人沐浴着阳光、御风而行——俨然是年轻、自由和性感的象征。早在1923年的一则广告里,这种魅力就得到了完美体现。广告中,一个妙龄女子驾着一辆敞篷的乔丹•花花公子(Jordan Playboy),画外音响起:“在拉勒米(美国怀俄明州东南部城市——译注)西边的某个地方,有位驯服野马、手执套马索的姑娘。”后来,乔丹•花花公子在经济大萧条中沉沦了,但敞篷车却活力依旧。


Droptops and their kin

    Until the introduction of the first closed-roof car by Cadillac in 1910, a convertible was about all customers had to choose from. But they quickly came to appreciate the warmth, dryness and safety provided by a metal top, and the convertible was relegated to a specialty body style like the station wagon. Even today, the mechanism used to raise and lower the top, along with body reinforcements, make them heavier, less capacious, less secure, and trickier to engineer than their fixed-roof counterparts.

    That should have spelled the end of the convertible, except for one thing: The open car with its sun-baked, wind-blown passengers became a symbol of youth, freedom, and sexuality. The appeal was perfectly epitomized as long ago as 1923 in ads showing a flapper behind the wheel of an open Jordan Playboy that begin "Somewhere west of Laramie there's a bronco-busting, steer roping girl." The Jordan Playboy didn't survive the Depression, but the ragtop did.

    Alert to the appeal, manufacturers have long built cars that look like convertibles or are open to the elements without the inconvenience of actually being a fabric-topped, fully-retractable, open-roof car. They include hard-top convertibles and T-tops, and cars with vinyl roofs, sunroofs, and detachable roofs. Herewith a gallery of convertible wannabees, old and new, along with some modern examples of the classic droptop.
