

Rik Kirkland 2011-08-09
我们的《财富》书签专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑及撰稿人对新近出版的商业及其他领域著作的选荐评论。本周,瑞克•柯克兰德,《财富》杂志前总编,现任麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Co.)合伙人品鉴西尔维娅•娜莎的新作。这本大作全面讲述了创造我们金融体系的那些巨子们的故事,书名是《宏图大志:经济天才的故事》(Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius)

    在1998年出版的《美丽心灵》(A Beautiful Mind)中,娜莎凭着小说家对叙述和细节的独到视角,讲述了一位孤独的天才——诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、数学家约翰•纳什的故事。娜莎因此书一举成名:评论界一片赞誉,小说登上畅销书排行榜,此后又改编成轰动一时的电影巨制,罗素•克洛主演,郎•霍华德执导。


    In A Beautiful Mind (1998) Sylvia Nasar told, with a novelist's eye for narrative and detail, the tragic tale of a solitary genius, Nobel-prize winning mathematician John Nash. Her reward: critical acclaim and a bestseller that later became a hit movie, starring Russell Crowe and directed by Ron Howard.

    With her second book Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius, Nasar shifts from micro to macro. However, this is not a traditional history of economic thought or a conventional string of bios of great men. Rather it is the story of the evolution of a radical, planet-reshaping idea -- "the idea that humanity could turn tables on economic necessity -- mastering rather than being enslaved by material circumstances."

    书中的历史画卷史诗般壮阔:维多利亚女王时期的伦敦,战火肆虐的欧洲,宗主国时期的华盛顿。细节非常鲜活,甚至令人震惊。比如卡尔•马克思的口头禅:“我要歼灭你”;再比如因“创造性毁灭”一语而声名远播的约瑟夫•熊彼得,此君在担任财政部长期间曾坐着马拉马车、载着应召女郎,巡游维也纳,“左拥右抱”;又比如保守派巨匠米尔顿•弗里德曼,当年还只是财政部一名年轻的学究,却为罗斯福政府发明了终极“国家收入征收机器”——代扣所得税。(当时谁能想得到?)与此同时,该书充分展现了一些拗口却又关键的概念的丰富性和复杂性,比如“货币幻觉”(通胀和通缩如何扭曲决策)或生产力作为工薪收入和生活水平主要推动者的作用方式。如果经济学基本原理(Econ 101)也能这么引人入胜该多好啊!



    The canvas is epic: Victorian London, war-shattered Europe, imperial Washington. The details are fresh, at times startling: Karl Marx deploying his favorite conversation starter, "I am going to annihilate you"; Joseph Schumpeter, he of "creative destruction" fame, riding around Vienna as finance minister in a horse-drawn carriage "with a call girl or two on his arm"; conservative icon Milton Friedman as a young Treasury wonk-on-the-make inventing for FDR that ultimate postwar "revenue-raising machine" -- the withholding tax. (Who knew?) At the same time, gnarly but critical concepts, such as the "money illusion" (how inflation and deflation distort decision-making) or the way productivity serves as the primary driver of wages and living standards, shine through in all their richness and complexity. If only Econ 101 had been this interesting!

    Despite some inevitable wandering as her saga rushes on, Nasar never loses sight of her central theme: the powerful role modern economics has played in helping to solve what John Maynard Keynes called "the political problem of mankind" -- how to combine "economic efficiency, social justice and individual liberty." If Hollywood comes knocking this time round, it will take a David Lean, orchestrating a cast of thousands, to capture the epic -- and ultimately deeply uplifting -- sweep of the action.
