

Patricia Sellers 2011-12-07


    《财富》杂志(Fortune)于上周在硅谷举办了“最具影响力女性”(Most Powerful Women)晚宴,梅耶尔在晚宴上阐述了自己在谷歌的战略。她在谷歌负责包括地图在内的本地业务。她还向我们介绍了她最中意的三款移动应用:

    谷歌地图6.0:谷歌地图走进室内。举个例子,用户可以在百思买(Best Buy)店里轻松地从平板电脑柜台找到电视柜台,人们要做的只是跟随楼层平面图上小蓝点指示而已。这款应用程序于上周发布了Android手机专用版,可提供家得宝(Home Depot)、宜家(IKEA)、梅西百货(Macy's)、布鲁明代尔百货(Bloomingdale's)等商铺室内信息,同时还囊括了奥黑尔、哈茨菲尔德和旧金山国际机场等地的机场信息。迪士尼(Disney)主题公园会加入吗?梅耶尔没有告诉我们答案。




    We told you how Mayer engineered the acquisition of Zagat. That could turn out to be a very smart deal if Google gets us searching and sharing and mapping our ways to restaurants even more than we do today.

    At the Fortune Most Powerful Women dinner in Silicon Valley last week, Mayer explained her strategy at Google (GOOG), where she heads local efforts including maps. She also told us about three of her favorite mobile apps::

    Google Maps 6.0: This app takes Google Maps indoors. In a Best Buy (BBY), for instance, you can make your way from tablets to TVs by viewing the floor plan and following that little blue dot that indicates your location. The app, launched last week for Android phones exclusively, also works in Home Depot (HD), IKEA, select Macy's (M) and Bloomingdale's, and some airports such as O'Hare, Hartsfield, and SFO. Could Disney (DIS) theme parks be next? Mayer wouldn't tell us.

    Layar: This browser provides "augmented reality" experiences. Combining a camera and GPS and accelerometer, it will display photographically where you are and also what's down the road. Just as a cursor marks your position on a document, Layar transforms your phone into "a cursor for the world," Mayer says.

    LikeALittle: This app aggregates online profiles and maps them to help you find nearby people who have common interests. The LikeALittle states the purpose more specifically: "We like to think of the site as a flirting-facilitator platform (FFP for short), a way for you to anonymously compliment and chat about potential crushes around you." Well, Mayer wouldn't call this a flirtation, but she learned via LikeALittle that LinkedIn (LNKD) cofounder Reid Hoffman, whom she has known for years, majored in symbolic systems at Stanford, as she did.
