日本汽车厂商不是雄心勃勃地说要征服美国汽车市场吗?为何最近偃旗息鼓呢?最近很多人都在讨论底特律三巨头的复兴【福特(Ford)分红、克莱斯勒(Chrysler)浴火重生、通用(GM)挺进小型车市场)】,但一度令人恐惧的日本三巨头以及一些规模较小的日本品牌却陷入了苦苦挣扎之中。日本厂商2011年先后遭到了日本地震、泰国洪水和日元强势的打击,丰田(Toyota)、本田(Honda)和日产(Nissan)2011年的损失都不小。媒体上有关他们的新闻都被挤到了不起眼的位置,而关于现代(Hyundai)、起亚(Kia)和德国汽车厂商的新闻却屡屡抢占了头条。 因此,对于这些一度势不可挡的日本公司来说,2012年算是一条新的起跑线。曾几何时,底特律三巨头中有两家因为招架不住日本厂商的围攻而破产。日本厂商能否恢复这种势头?抑或在内耗、天灾中继续陨落? 以下10款日本车可能将成为决定它们成败的关键。 |
Whatever happened to Japan's plans to conquer the U.S. auto market? There's a lot of talk about the revival of the Detroit Three (Ford's dividend, Chrysler's new life, GM's small cars) but the once-feared Japanese Three and their smaller siblings are struggling. Hit by earthquakes at home and floods abroad, and punished by the strengthening of the Japanese yen, Toyota, Honda, and Nissan have been pummeled this year. News of their activities has been pushed to the back pages while Hyundai, Kia, and German automakers dominate the headlines. As a result, 2012 is shaping up as a benchmark year for these once-unstoppable companies. Will they be able to regain the momentum that once helped push two of the Detroit Three into bankruptcy? Or will they continue their slide as they fight each other -- and try to cope with forces that are out of their control? Here are 10 Japanese cars that will help separate the winners from the losers: |
2012丰田凯美瑞 2012款凯美瑞(Camry)虽然经过了重新设计,但在工艺上仍与老款并无二致。它自去年秋天发布以来,一直反响平平,到目前为止,大多数新凯美瑞的买主都是对丰田忠心不二的老主顾。丰田的目标是在2012年卖出36万辆凯美瑞,其中包括5万辆混动版。要实现这个目标,看来丰田还要再加把劲才行。强势日元对于美国市场来说不是个问题,因为所有美国市场上销售的凯美瑞都是在美国当地生产的。 |
2012 Toyota Camry
The redesigned (though not reengineered) 2012 Camry is being showered with faint praise since its launch last fall, and so far it has been selling mostly to longtime Toyota customers. It will have to do better than that to reach its 2012 target of 360,000 cars, including 50,000 hybrids. The strong yen will be less of a problem -- all Camrys sold in the U.S. are made domestically. |