

Ken Stier 2012-01-13

    尽管每隔一段时间,巴基斯坦的坏消息就会满天飞,该国前总理及前财长肖卡特•阿齐兹依然对祖国的前景保持了谨慎的乐观,其中也包括美国从阿富汗有序撤军可能带来的和平红利。但他同时表示,最终还得取决于是否会出现类似马歇尔计划(Marshall Plan)的阿富汗重建方案,以及美国履行部落经济发展计划的情况。


    现年64岁的阿齐兹于2004年当选巴基斯坦总理(虽然竞选时一度险遭暗杀),2007年卸任。此前,他的23位前任均半途卸任,他是首位完成整个任期的总理。卸任后不久,阿齐兹即移居伦敦,现任英国连锁酒店千禧国敦酒店集团(Millennium and Copthorne Hotels)董事和百仕通集团(Blackstone Group)顾问。


高盛(Goldman Sachs)将巴基斯坦列入“新钻十一国”已六年有余。然而,当前巴基斯坦的情况是,通胀攀升,投资处于40年以来的低点,基础设施恶化,特别是电力行业。无论从哪项指标看,情况都不是特别好,你对巴基斯坦经济的乐观源于何处?






    Despite the regular eruptions of bad news from Pakistan, Shaukat Aziz, a former finance and prime minister there, remains cautiously bullish about his country's prospects, including the peace dividend that could come with the orderly exit of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. But that depends, he says, on a Marshall Plan-like reconstruction of Afghanistan -- and the U.S. delivering on tribal economic development plans.

    That might seem overly ambitious for distracted Western capitals with tapped out coffers. But the 'mostly-sunny' technocratic vision is not unusual for Aziz, a former Citibank (C) executive who presided over strong growth as finance minister after General Pervez Musharraf staged a coup in 1999. (Musharraf just announced he would shortly be returning to Pakistan -- and risking arrest -- from Dubai where he has been since leaving office.)

    Aziz, 64, was elected prime minister in 2004 (surviving an assassination attempt while campaigning) and was the first of 23 predecessors to serve out a full term, until 2007. He took up residence in London soon after and now serves on the board of the British hotel chain Millennium and Copthorne Hotels, and as an advisor to the Blackstone Group (BX).

    Aziz recently spoke with Fortune about the state of Pakistan's economy, how to rebuild Afghanistan, and why Pakistan deserves a free trade agreement with the U.S. Below is an edited transcript of that discussion.

It's been more than six years since Goldman Sachs (GS) recognized Pakistan among the Next Eleven newly industrialized countries -- inflation is up, investment is at a 40-year low, and infrastructure is deteriorating, particularly in the power sector. By just about any measure things are not particularly good, so what is the source of your optimism about the Pakistani economy?

    The problems of the world economy have obviously leaked to Pakistan. Yes, investment is down, trade also, but in Pakistan's case a lot of this is due to the security situation, the war on terror. We have to pay a huge price in terms of damaging our investor confidence -- both domestic and foreign.

    On the other hand, we should bear in mind that more than two-thirds of the population lives in rural areas and agriculture has done well, especially in cotton -- prices and exports are up and the farmer is relatively more comfortable.

    The country's human capital is a strong suit, the Pakistani people are very talented, their skills levels are impressive and they are hard-working. There's a huge number of Pakistanis working overseas and we can export a few more million and there won't be an iota of difference because there is a whole pipeline of trained – and untrained - people coming.

You mentioned the need for good management. How would you assess the current management of the economy? I ask that in light of the lapsing of the stabilization plan with the IMF.

    Being out of the IMF -- obviously this reflects the desire of the government to have more flexibility to pursue its reforms. The IMF program does bring with it certain macroeconomic discipline and that's beneficial, but I also believe in economic sovereignty. You need good governance and good management, but abdicating the economy to the IMF is not the way to succeed. What we need is growth and job creation, like every other country in the world.
