上周开幕的底特律车展被称为是一次巨大的成功。参展的车型都经过了升级换代,很多新车和概念车都是第一次展出。车展当然也少不了花枝招展的车模,在经济危机那几年里,车模营销一直被指没品味,不过在本届车展上,为了吸引男性买主,车模的人数又出现了回升。 不过正如现实生活一样,这次车展不可能让每个人都满意。车展是个要求很高的场合,数以千记的记者在展厅里四处找新闻,另外还有好几百个分析师和内幕人士随时可能抛出一些见解和小道消息。在这样一个敏感的环境里,主办方在策略、敏感度或执行方面难免偶有出错。在此谨为大家介绍2012北美国际车展(the 2012 North American International Auto Show)值得注意的一些成功和失败之处。 主办地:底特律 得意:天气晴好。以往几届车展都是在严寒和暴雪中开幕的,但本次底特律车展难得地迎来了几个大晴天,气温也回升到零度以上上。人们都注意到了这一点,而且都很高兴,车展活动也进行得更加顺畅。 失意:尽管天气晴好,气温适宜,但我们显然不难看出,美国本土汽车厂商的景气虽然有所转好,但是仍未带动整座城市的复苏。光鲜的赌场和办公楼周围都是大片的空地和空旷的停车场,显然说明这座城市的经济活动十分萧条,人口也下降了。 会场:科博中心 得意:底特律对科博中心进行了重大翻修和扩建,同时在科博中心内部也提升了现有展馆的服务质量。最值得注意的就是活动现场饮食质量的改善。原先科博中心只提供冷盘和奶酪,但现在参会者可以吃到新鲜的沙拉、热腾腾的鸡肉派,以及家常风味的饼干。 失意:洗手间是一大败笔。尽管主办方显然尽了最大努力来保障洗手间在开放时间的大量使用,但洗手间的地面还是经常积水,废纸篓总是塞得满满当当,而且纸巾总是不够用。 荣誉 得意:2013款福特(Ford)福星(Fusion)轿车在车展头一天上午八点正式登台亮相。这款轿车别出心裁地选用了五款发动机组合,受到了广泛赞誉,其中包括一款混合动力发动机和一款插电式混动发动机,后者在油耗控制上达到惊人的地步,每加仑汽油可行驶100英里。 失意:2012款福特福克斯(Focus)未能赢得北美年度汽车(North American Car of the Year)的称号,该奖项被现代(Hyundai)的伊兰特(Elantra)摘得。另外2012款福克斯销售迟滞的传闻也被媒体曝光。 |
Detroit's big auto show that opened on Monday is being called a big success. Exhibits at the show went through a model change and are all-new; more new cars and concepts are being unveiled for the first time; and statuesque female presenters, deemed to be in poor taste during the recession years, have returned in numbers to display stands to attract male buyers. But just as in life, Detroit has not been a win-win for everyone. The auto show is a demanding environment with thousands of journalists on the ground looking for stories, and hundreds more analysts and insiders available to generate spin and pass gossip. Mistakes in strategy, sensibility, or execution are inevitable in the hothouse environment. Herewith, some notable hits and misses from the 2012 North American International Auto Show: Detroit Hit: The weather. Unlike past shows held in bitter cold and blinding snowstorms, Detroit was baked in sunshine and above-freezing temperatures. Everybody noticed and applauded the difference, and the show activities ran more smoothly. Miss: Despite the balmy temperatures, there was no avoiding the evidence that the improving fortunes of the domestic automakers have not radiated to the city at large. Surrounding every glittering new casino or office building were vacant land and surface parking lots -- stark evidence of slack economic activity and a declining population. Cobo Center Hit: The city has embarked on a major upgrade and expansion of its convention center, and in the interim, it has upgraded service in the existing hall. Most notable was the improvement in the quality of the meals served at events; instead of cold cuts and cheese cubes, attendees could sample fresh salads, hot chicken pot pie, and home-baked-style cookies. Miss: The restrooms. Despite apparent efforts to keep up with heavy usage during the show's hours, tile floors were frequently awash with water, waste bins overflowed, and paper towels were in perpetual short supply. Honors Hit: The 2013 Ford Fusion, unveiled at 8 a.m. on the first day of the show, was widely praised for its surprising selection of engines -- five, including a hybrid and a plug-in hybrid -- that will have fuel economy ratings of up to 100 mpg. Miss: The 2012 Ford Focus, which was passed over for North American Car of the Year recognition in favor of Hyundai's Elantra and whose sluggish sales are being surfaced in news reports. |