

Sue Callaway 2012-03-29

2012款谢尔比野马GT 1000轿跑

    我终于能告诉大家真相了:几周前,赛车/大马力车/肌肉车/跑车之王卡罗尔•谢尔比秘密邀请我前去试驾他最新、最酷的心爱之作——谢尔比GT1000。感谢卡罗尔,在这辆车即将亮相纽约车展(the New York Auto Show)(4月4日对媒体开放)之前,他仅邀请了四位记者前去探秘,我有幸获得邀请,得以在拉斯维加斯的炎热天气中体验这辆车的气魄与精髓。并且,我是唯一一位获准首先发表该车体验的记者。向你致谢,卡罗尔!

    谢尔比如今已是89岁高龄。他一向知道如何颠覆汽车界。自从20世纪50年代投身国际赛事以来,这一直是他的专长。过去几十年间,他一直致力于为热衷高性能汽车的仰慕者开发功能强悍的各款车型。今年是Shelby American汽车公司成立50周年。一直以来,这家位于拉斯维加斯的公司总能将他的设想变成动力澎湃的超跑。现在,他与自己的团队推出了公司有史以来最为大胆、而且能合法上路的非凡座驾:拥有1,000匹马力的谢尔比版的福特(Ford)GT500野马(Mustang),实际上这款车本已足够出色。目前这个版本零售价为149,995美元起。

    这款杰出之作不仅把谢尔比的理念变成了现实,还成功地投产上市(请观看视频,获得更深刻的体验)。大众汽车集团(Volkswagen Group)的费迪南•皮耶一手打造了价值240万美元的工程奇迹——“贴地飞行”的布加迪威龙(Bugatti Veyron),这一成就前无古人后无来者。除了他,还有谁会试图把1000匹马力的性能跑车推向市场,并真正交付到客户手中,成为他们纵横驰骋的座驾?这个人非谢尔比莫属。20世纪60年代,谢尔比曾在勒芒大胜法拉利(Ferrari);然而此后,他们再也没有赢得过超级拉力赛。而就实际生产而言,法拉利、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)、保时捷(Porsche)、奥迪(Audi)和宾利(Bentley)这些大牌无一推出过1,000匹马力的合法跑车。如果它们真要生产,可能会推出一辆更精致的座驾,但在这场竞赛中,谢尔比无疑再次以他的聪明才智击败了一众对手。人们一定会爱上这位世界冠军、一位曾做过双重内脏移植而幸存下来的八旬老者,同时也是我的挚友推出的心血之作。飞驰吧,谢尔比。一如既往地全速前进,直到永远!


    Finally I can tell you the truth: Racing/hotrod/muscle car/sports car czar Carroll Shelby secretly invited me a few weeks ago to test-drive his latest and greatest beast, the Shelby GT1000. I was one of only four journalists to be invited ahead of the car's unveiling at the New York Auto Show (opening to media April 4) to experience its guts and soul in the heat of the Vegas desert, and the only one to be given the nod to first post impressions, thanks to Carroll himself. One of your black hats off to you, Carroll.

    Shelby, 89, has always known how to upend the automotive world; it's been his peculiar specialty since he began internationally racing in the '50s. He has spent the intervening decades bringing only minimally tamed cars to an adoring, adrenaline-addicted public. This year -- the 50th anniversary for Shelby American (the Las Vegas-based company that has long translated his visions into uproarious sheet metal) -- the man and his company are making their most audacious and yet street-legal steed yet: the 1,000 horsepower Shelbyized version of Ford's (F) already excellent GT500 Mustang, with a retail price tag starting at $149,995.

    Here are my favorite Shelby qualities brought not only to life but to market (watch the video to viscerally understand). Who, besides Volkswagen Group's Ferdinand Piech, with his never-to-be-repeated $2.4M Bugatti Veyron flight of engineering fancy, would attempt to put 1,000 hp into the marketplace—and into real people's hands—except Shelby? Shelby felled Ferrari in the '60s at Le Mans; they have not won the grand endurance race since. On the production side, none of the likes of Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Audi or Bentley are putting 1,000 legal horses to the ground. If they do, they might make a more refined ride, but Shelby's once again done more than just okay in outsmarting the competition. Gotta love that from a world champion, an octogenarian double organ transplant survivor, and a good friend. You go, Shelby. Like hell! As you always have and always will.
