

Stephen Gandel 2012-04-17


    4月13日,高盛(Goldman Sachs)宣布,2011年五大高管薪酬较上一年减少了35%。其中首席执行官劳埃德•布兰克费恩的薪酬从前一年的1,800万美元下降到了1,200万美元。

    由此,布兰克费恩在华尔街首席执行官薪酬排行榜中的排名直线下降。2011年他赚的钱还不到竞争对手摩根大通(JPMorgan )首席执行官杰米•戴蒙(2,300万美元)的一半,甚至都不及长期以来一直被认为在华尔街薪酬排行榜上垫底的花旗(Citigroup)首席执行官潘伟迪。潘伟迪2011年的薪酬比布兰克费恩多出了200万美元。花旗去年将潘伟迪的薪资上调了14,000,000%。

    无论如何,2011年对高盛都是艰难的一年。高盛净利润骤减47%,股价近乎腰斩,此外还裁员2,400人。2月份,美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)告知高盛,可能起诉该公司在2006年末的一次按揭债券发行过程中,给包括房地美(Freddie Mac)在内的投资者造成了超过5亿美元额损失。“整个2011年,高盛都受到欧元区震荡、客户活动下降以及监管不确定性的挑战,”布兰克费恩和高盛其他董事在致股东的信中这样写道。




    It's still good to be the king on Wall Street, just less so.

    On Friday, Goldman Sachs (GS) said it paid its top five executives 35% less than it did a year ago. The company cut CEO Lloyd Blankfein's pay to $12 million for 2011 from $18 million a year ago.

    That knocks Blankfein considerably down the ranks of Wall Street's most highly compensated CEOs. He made nearly less than half the $23 million that rival JPMorgan (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon took home in 2011. Even Vikram Pandit, CEO of Citigroup (C), long considered a laggard on Wall Street, got paid $2 million more for 2011 than Blankfein. Citigroup gave Pandit a 14,000,000% raise last year.

    By all accounts, 2011 was a rough one for Goldman. Earnings fell 47%. It's stock dropped a similar amount. Goldman also eliminated 2,400 jobs from its payrolls. In February, the Securities and Exchange Commission told Goldman it was likely to bring charges against the firm for its role in a late-2006 mortgage bond offering that cost investors including Freddie Mac more than $500 million in losses. "Throughout 2011, our firm's performance was challenged by instability in the Eurozone, depressed client activity and regulatory uncertainty," wrote Blankfein and Goldman's other board members in a letter to shareholders.

    Still, Blankfein's pay included $5 million in cash, including a $3 million bonus. The rest was in restricted stock. That was a much higher ratio of cash to restricted stock than the pay packages of other CEOs. Also, when you factor in the deferred compensation that Blankfein has received in the past two years, the CEO's total pay jumps to $16.2 million for 2011, which was up from the $14 million that he received the year before.

    What's more, none of those figures include a long-term incentive plan that could reap Blankfein and Goldman's other top executives as much as $10.5 million each if the bank is able to meet earnings goals over next two years, including a 15% return on equity. Some shareholders have said Goldman set easy targets. The company's ROE has averaged 19% for the much of the past decade.
