

Jack and Suzy Welch 2012-10-08








    "You didn't build that." "Corporations aren't people." With the first, a revealing gaffe, and the second, a wildly cheered campaign refrain, one party has certainly made it clear how it feels about American business these days.

    Well -- big surprise -- we don't agree. Business can't operate unfettered, of course, without any form of oversight or control. But in our view, business is a source of great good for society, with the power to create hope and opportunity like no other institution going.

    Indeed, the positives so outweigh the negatives that lately we've been trying to identify why some people hate business so fervently. After all, the risks of this movement's efforts to demonize business are frighteningly high.

    Here's where we've landed. First, there's clearly a group of people who disdain business because they support some or all of the fundamental leveling tenets of socialism. This ideology is too multifaceted to summarize here, but suffice it to say that its adherents believe, as the President once put it, "You've got to spread the wealth around."

    Then there are people who hate business not because of ideology but because of personal experience -- they've been wrongly fired, endured a dreadful boss. These individuals see business as a place where good people get burned.

    For still others, their hostility derives from the recent financial meltdown, when the sheer negligence of many financial institutions and rating agencies, they believe, resulted in blameless Americans losing their jobs and homes and threatened to bring down the entire economy.

    Finally, and perhaps most pernicious because of its outsize influence, is the hostility toward business that radiates from the intellectual elite -- the opinion leaders in journalism, academia, and government. To them, business is rotten because it's just so completely unfair. Otherwise, how do you explain the success of the party animal who lived down the hall in college?
