

JP Mangalindan 2012-10-24
新款iMac非常非常薄。图片:JP Mangalindan/ Fortune.com

    多年来,苹果(Apple)首次在圣何塞的加利福尼亚剧院(San Jose's California Theatre)举办产品发布会。和许多人预测的一样,7.9英寸版iPad,又称iPad Mini隆重登场。此外,13英寸高清晰视网膜版MacBook、全新设计的iMac、速度更快的下一代iPad和升级版Mac mini,也同时联袂登台亮相。我亲身体验了一把这些新产品,除了Mac mini,因为苹果尚未制造出成品。以下是我的第一印象。(更多消息请稍候!)


    13英寸视网膜版MacBook Pro。我敢肯定你们之前见过这家伙,不是吗?新款13英寸视网膜版MacBook Pro和年初推出的15英寸版几乎如出一辙。当然,它的尺寸要小些。更大的惊喜是其纤薄的外形和3.5磅(1.6千克)刚刚出头的重量。与老版本相比,它的厚度薄了20%,重量则轻了足足1磅(0.45千克)。拿在手里,区别很明显。不过,新款MacBook Pro比13英寸MacBook Air还是重了半磅(0.22千克)左右,但性能要强劲许多。售价1,699美元的基础版搭载了2.5GHz英特尔(Intel)双核酷睿i5处理器、8G内存、128GB闪存和续航高达7小时的电池。一机在手,想必每天的工作都能游刃有余,即便是更多的活也不在话下。

    For the first time in years, Apple (AAPL) held a product unveiling at San Jose's California Theatre and, as many predicted, the company delivered. It unveiled a 7.9-inch version of the iPad, dubbed the iPad mini. Also on display: a 13-inch MacBook with a high-resolution Retina Display, redesigned iMac, faster 9.7-inch-sized iPad, and updated Mac minis.

    I managed to spend some time with every product save the Mac mini, which was not made available. Here are some first impressions. (More to come!)

    New iMac.A redesign for the iMac has been a long time coming, and Apple appears to have hit a home run by making it significantly thinner. On stage, Senior Vice President of Marketing Phil Schiller was quick to point out that it's 5 millimeters, which it is -- but only at the display's edges. Where the computer base meets the display, it's significantly thicker. The computer also lacks a Retina Display, a rumor the blogs had been kicking around in the last few months.

    13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display.You'd be forgiven for thinking you've seen this notebook before because chances, are you have. The new 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display looks nearly identical to the 15-inch version Apple rolled out earlier this year, only of course, smaller. More impressive than the fact that it's 20% thinner is the weight. Hovering just over 3.5 lbs., this MacBook Pro is 1 lb. lighter than predecessors, and it feels it. In fact, it's just half a pounder heavier than the 13-inch MacBook Air, but with significantly faster parts. The $1,699 base model includes a 2.5 GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor, 8 gigabytes of RAM, 128 GB of flash storage, and 7 hours of battery life. Everyday tasks zipped along, but I have more once I get my hands on a review unit.
