

Neil Suslak 2012-11-23

    上周,国际能源署(International Energy Agency)的最新报告宣称,全球能源格局将大变脸,到2020年美国或成全球最大的产油国。

    就在这一预言发布的同时,美国国内关于利用本土可靠能源资源的讨论正在如火如荼地进行,这一行业吸引的资本也接连创造新高。巴拉克·奥巴马赢得连任竞选后还不到一周,包括能源计划在内的英国秋季预算报告(Autumn Statement)也将在一周后出炉。如果国际能源署的预测成真,它将带来长远的影响。






    Last week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) projected a radical shift in the global energy balance of power when it announced that the U.S. is poised to become the world's largest oil producer by 2020.

    This comes at a time when unlocking reliable sources of domestic energy is at the forefront of conversation in this country and investors continue to deploy record amounts of capital into the sector. Less than a week after the reelection of President Barack Obama and only one week before the U.K.'s Autumn Statement, which is expected to contain a proposed energy plan, the IEA's prediction – if realized – will have long-term, far-reaching implications.

    The effects of this supply growth are already being experienced in domestic policy, geopolitics, corporate resources and allocation, and more. Crude imports have fallen 11% this year, and the U.S. is expected to produce the most oil since 1991. Moreover, whereas the U.S. was once expected to become a growing importer of natural gas, it is now forecast to become a large supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG), with companies like Cheniere racing to permit and construct LNG export terminals.

    There are a number of ways to capitalize on this growth. It will have a corresponding impact on the energy investment landscape, particularly around the following themes:

Broad advancements in technology

    For an industry generally regarded as conservative and cautious, the current rise in domestic oil and gas production has been remarkably rapid. A number of forces have driven this phenomenon, but clearly technology developments have been among the most impactful. Significant advances in extraction technology have allowed us to remove shale gas, shale oil and heavier grades of crude out of the field more cost effectively and advances in refining technology have helped deal with the challenges associated with processing these unconventional resources.

    In particular, the sweeping rollout of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling to unlock reserves of these unconventional hydrocarbon plays is turning a gas and oil deficit in the U.S. into a surplus. Yet the technological boom is broader -- focusing, for instance, on heavy oil fields, and offshore regions where drilling is challenged to go deeper and deeper. In many areas, opportunities are created everyday by technologies that can make such resources available at a competitive price. Furthermore, software has played an important role as well by increasing our ability to analyze seismic and other intensive amounts of oil field data to help producers better find, track and manage more cost effectively oil and gas assets in the field.
