

Shelley DuBois 2013-02-04


    不过,如果没有合适的管理软件,如此强大的计算机也会英雄无用武之地。软件是未来高性能计算机的关键部分——不过它经常被忽略。随着越来越多的产品和服务迁往云端,软件对各行各业的影响将更加重要。自适应计算(Adaptive Computing)公司首席执行官罗比•克莱德称:“高性能计算和云计算之间的界限越来越模糊。”自适应计算是一家软件企业,产品能帮助超级计算机和云计算服务器提高效率。1月30日,该公司展示了自行研发的软件,能将泰坦的运行效率从70%提升到95%。克莱德称,用来优化泰坦的软件和用来优化云计算的软件非常像。




    这种看似遥远的软件还有一大好处:它将提升云端巨大运算能力的可访问性。 “三、四十年前,必须建造一台大型主机才能进行复杂的运算,”列维说。这些大型主机耗资数千万美元。“如今,完全可以在别人的云端进行虚拟运算。你只要为你在各个独立的时间段内使用的运算付费。”而随着软件日益改进,云管理日益完善,越来越多的人都可以用上它的运算能力。



    Remember the Titan? No, not the comeback football team. The supercomputer that generated headlines last November for ranking as the world's fastest. Titan can crunch so many calculations, it has the equivalent processing power of 500,000 laptops.

    All that computing might is for naught without software capable of managing it. Software is a major—if often unsung—factor in the future of high-power computing. It will matter increasingly to businesses of all kinds as more and more products and services move into the cloud. "The line between high performance computing and cloud is blurring," says Rob Clyde, CEO of Adaptive Computing, a company that builds software to increase efficiency in supercomputers and cloud-based servers. Today, Adaptive revealed it developed the software that boosted Titan's efficiency from 70% to about 95%. The software used to make Titan tick is similar, Clyde says, to software that optimizes the cloud.

    That matters because as computing power gets more and more robust, the biggest challenge will switch from increasing raw processing brawn to optimizing the systems that we have. "We're moving to a world where computing is almost sort of indistinguishable from being infinite," says Aaron Levie, CEO of cloud storage company Box. "The tools to manage that computing are becoming the next limiter." Box, Levie says, devotes dozens of employees who spend their days thinking about that single problem.

    There is a growing market for systems that manage computers, Levie says, and that trend will continue. A slice of the tech economy will build out as the market begins to demand systems that manage the systems that manage computers, and so on. "We are now at a new meta layer of this problem. After this, it will be a new meta layer on top that, until we as humans are obsolete," Levie says. He is only partially joking.

    Such software should help companies deliver better services to consumers. For example, says Clyde, take a company that offers a speech-recognition service powered by programs in the cloud. If the company supports the service with software that efficiently prioritizes tasks, the service will find words faster. Consumers love speed.

    This remote-seeming software has another big benefit: It will boost the accessibility of massive computing power in the cloud. "Thirty or forty years ago, you had to basically build out a mainframe to run complex computations," Levie says. Those mainframes cost tens of millions of dollars. "Today, you can just run it in a virtual job in somebody else's cloud. You literally only pay for the amount of computing you use in a very discrete time period." Even better software, better cloud management, will let more and more people use its computational power.

    That will give companies the power to innovate around discoveries made from running involved programs without bankrupting them in the process. That should, in turn, enable companies to deliver better services. That is, of course, until the computers render us useless.
