

Erika Fry 2013-05-22

    试想一下,你刚从飞了15小时的国际航班上走下来,作为美国政府主导的“全球通关”计划(Global Entry program)的会员,你满心以为可以快速通关入境,却发现扫描器无法读取你的指纹。


    交叉匹配技术(Cross Match Technologies)是一家位于美国佛罗里达州的公司,其生产的扫描设备被应用于全球通关计划,该公司最近开始生产一种更加用户友好的机器,以期更好地处理麻烦指纹带来的挑战(交叉匹配公司同样为生物识别信息管理办公室供应扫描器,后者使用3,000台仪器在出入境口岸采集指纹)。




    强大的口碑正在推动新的增长:2012年之前,每月平均约有15,000人申请加入全球通关计划,而这个数字现在已经达到50,000人左右。另外,该计划还因为被当成一种特殊待遇而流行,举例来说,美国运通(American Express)会为其白金卡和黑金卡客户垫付那100美元的手续费。瓦格纳预期,参加全球通关计划的会员在旅客中的比例将会提高到15%至20%。

    Imagine that you step off a 15-hour international flight with plans to zip right through immigration thanks to your membership in the government-run Global Entry program -- only to find that the scanner can't read your fingerprints.

    In that scenario, the conventional wisdom at FlyerTalk, an online forum for frequent travellers, is to press your finger on an oily patch of skin (yours or someone else's) and try again. That may sound like a crude way to get to a piece of expensive, widely used government technology to work in 2013, but take comfort: A new generation of scanners may be landing in your airports soon.

    Cross Match Technologies, the Florida-based manufacturer of the scanning equipment used by the Global Entry program, has recently begun production of a more user-friendly machine designed to better deal with the challenges posed by the finicky human fingerprint. (Cross Match also supplies scanners to the Office of Biometrics Information Management, which uses 3,000 of its machines at entry and exit ports to collect fingerprints.)

    A spokesperson for Global Entry would not provide specifics about the program's plans to implement the new scanners, saying only that the U.S. Department of Customs and Border Protection, which runs Global Entry, is "always evaluating the condition and service life of the equipment in the field" and that it will "replace current models with updated models as older units begin to fade."

    Global Entry is a trusted traveler program that allows its 1.5 million globetrotting members to pass straight through immigration without the line or long wait at an unmanned kiosk. Enrolled travellers simply scan their passport, scan their fingerprints, and fly on by.

    The program, which launched in 2008, has received widespread, ecstatic acclaim -- tweets like "Global Entry is the best money ever spent" are not uncommon, nor is wonder that federal government has created something that works so well. John Wagner, the program's director, says he often hears: "I can't believe the government is running this program!"

    That strong word of mouth is driving new growth: Applications to Global Entry averaged about 15,000 per month prior to 2012 but are now averaging around 50,000 per month. The program is also catching on as a perk -- American Express (AXP), for example, covers the $100 fee for its Platinum and Centurion card customers. Wagner expects Global Entry will one day extend to 15 to 20% of all travelers.
