好时公司(Hershey Co.)宣布,将推出一款专为中国市场设计的新糖果品牌——悠漫(Lancaster)。这是该公司首次在美国之外的市场创建一个品牌。对于来自宾夕法尼亚的巧克力制造商好时来说,这是一种全新的策略(同时也是它能否实现截止2017年销售额达到100亿美元的目标的关键所在),但其实这种做法早已不再新鲜。许多进入中国市场的餐饮服务公司与消费类产品都直接迎合当地的口味。外国食品公司要想在中国市场取得成功,必须对品牌作出更多修改和调整。以下是其他在中国取得成功的公司。 |
Hershey Co. has announced a new candy brand called Lancaster that is designed explicitly for the Chinese market. It's the first time the company has ever started a brand outside the U.S. Though it's a new strategy for Hershey (and certainly key to its goal of reaching $10 billion in sales by 2017), the Pennsylvania-based chocolate maker is in good company. Plenty of other food service and consumer products have approached China—a market that often requires more brand alterations and tweaking than others to guarantee success—with a direct appeal to local tastes. Here's how others have made the leap. |