

Geoff Colvin 2013-06-28

    ADP正在吸引多方大量关注。ADP是一家全球知名的人力资源和HR业务流程外包解决方案提供商,管理着美国16%的私企员工的工资单。由于目前媒体对就业率的关注,这家公司每个月出具的就业报告都会引起市场的反应。奥巴马政府推出的《平价医保法》以其严格的规定终于迫使雇主们开始认真统计自己到底雇佣了多少员工,或者说需要雇佣多少全职和兼职员工。在眼下这个历史性的金融震荡时期,美国硕果仅存的四家3A评级公司【ADP、埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)、强生(Johnson & Johnson)、微软(Microsoft)】面临着更紧张的压力。ADP财务总监詹•西格蒙德近日与《财富》杂志的吉奥夫•科尔文谈到了低薪工作的兴起,做一家3A评级的企业是否值得,如何从大量数据中获得价值,以及其它多个话题。下面是采访实录节选:








    Diverse forces are focusing unusual attention on ADP (ADP,Fortune 500), the company that administers corporate payrolls covering 16% of all private sector workers in the U.S. With jobs in the news, the company's monthly employment report moves markets. The Affordable Care Act makes employers aware of exactly how many full-time and part-time workers they have -- or want -- under the law's complex definitions. The historic financial uncertainty creates especially interesting tension for the four companies (ADP, Exxon Mobil, Johnson & Johnson, and Microsoft) that still hold triple-A credit ratings. ADP's CFO, Jan Siegmund, talked recently with Fortune's Geoff Colvin about the rise in low-paying jobs, whether being triple-A is still worthwhile, getting value from endless data, and much else. Edited excerpts:

    Q: Jobs are a very hot topic, and you have exclusive access to a trove of data from 600,000 employers. What's it telling you about the state of employment in the U.S.?

    A: Unfortunately, for the last three to four months we've seen a slowing of employment growth. We believe the tax-rate changes had an impact. Anticipation of health care reform may impact hiring decisions, and the reemergence of payroll taxes may also.

    Many of your clients are small employers who are not well prepared to deal with the Affordable Care Act. What concerns are you hearing from them?

    Employers with fewer than 50 employees don't have to fear anything because they're not required to offer health care coverage. What we see anecdotally is that companies right at the edge of 50 do have concerns. We see it also in the hiring numbers -- hiring was particularly slow in the segment of 30 to 50 employees. We don't publish the data, but we feel there may be a trend.

    The training sessions we offer our clients around the Affordable Care Act are the highest attended ever in the history of anything we've offered. The government regulations that are coming out make the payroll system the system of record, so it's a natural thing for us to be in the center of the discussion.

    I've noticed that many small employers don't realize that their employment levels this year will establish whether they're subject to the Affordable Care Act next year, so how many people they're employing for how many hours right now will be critically important.

    Exactly right. How do you calculate part-time workers? It's more complicated than one thinks. Then if you think about reporting requirements to the health care exchanges, eligibility confirmation, wage-level verification, W-2s to include premium valuations in your annual reporting, special notices, penalty submissions, and so forth -- it's an endless list of very mundane things that have to be done where we hope we can offer best services.
