

John Foley 2013-07-17






    最后,中国政府不再设法和经济引力抗衡。政府对刺激措施已经有了了解,2009年中国曾经大举保增长、促内需。财政赤字只占中国GDP 的2%,大型银行完全在政府的控制之下,这种情况下中国政府手里有牌可打。经济数据也在政府的掌握之中,因此基本上已公布的数字都很合适。显然,政府对GDP增长率下滑心里有数。


    For China, 2013 is becoming the year of the credible shrinking GDP growth target. Earlier in the year, the old 8% norm was shaved down to an official estimate of 7.5% by China's State Council. Last week, Finance Minister Lou Jiwei moved that to 7%, and said an even lower number was possible.

    China's slowdown is real -- but relative. While President Xi Jinping has told China's officials to worry less about GDP and more about quality of life, investors still focus on the crude indication. The official target of a 7.5%increase would already have created China's slowest growth since 1990. The official acceptance of a lower number shows that the old received wisdom -- anything below 8% puts China at risk of rising unemployment and social unrest -- has been discarded.

    For China-watchers, 6% growth sounds bizarre. It was not that long ago that double digits were normal. But by the standards of the other middle-income countries, China is still doing exceptionally well. The International Monetary Fund expects 3% GDP growth this year in both Latin America and the Middle East.

    It has three causes. First, demand for exports from China is slowing. June's 3% decline is especially weak, but the average increase over the last twelve months is the slowest rate since the beginning of 2010. A strong currency hurts, as does weak demand. But as China gets richer, it's natural that the currency rises and that exports based on cheap labor fade away.

    Second, economic gravity is catching up. The Chinese workforce is no longer increasing and the pace of urbanization is slowing because so many people have already left the farms. Of more concern is the decreasing efficiency of investment. A few years ago, only one yuan of investment was needed to add a yuan to GDP. Now it takes almost four yuan.

    Finally, the authorities are not trying to fight gravity. The government knows about stimulus; it did a huge one in 2009. With a fiscal deficit of just 2% of GDP and total control of the big banks, it has the means. It also controls the statistics, so can basically report whatever number suits. Clearly, the authorities are comfortable with lower GDP growth numbers.

    China's growth has been fueled by borrowing. But there's no sign that the slowdown has been created by a credit crunch. The official effort to rein in "shadow banking," loans that do not appear on banks' books, may hurt; and total social financing, the government's favored measure of new money pumped into the economy, has come down recently. But the six-month average of social financing, a good measure of what's affecting GDP today, is rising.
