

Kevin Kelleher 2013-07-24








    雪上加霜的是,市场对微软的平板电脑Surface的需求始终不振,迫使微软公司最终减记了9亿美元的存货。这笔极少有投资者料到的减记使每股净收益又少了7美分。而微软将Surface RT的售价降低了150美元,下调到349美元,同时对“相关部件和配件”进行了调整,也增加了减记值。

    不过财报中还是有一些亮点的:首席财务官艾米•胡德指出,消费者对Office 365、Outlook.com、Skype和Xbox LIVE的需求看涨。但PC和Surface前景黯淡的消息似乎让这些亮点也都黯然失色了。花旗集团(Citigroup)的一位分析师毫不客气地称这一业绩为“记忆中最糟糕的一个财季”。

    Preemption is one of the handiest tools in the art of public relations. If a company can get ahead of news -- especially not-so-good new -- it can control the tone of the conversation and even guide it in a direction that plays up the company's strengths.

    The ambitious restructuring that Microsoft (MSFT) announced earlier this month looks to have been a preemptive move. Not the restructuring itself, which has been in the works for some time, but the timing of its announcement: a week before Microsoft was going to announce earnings that fell short of what Wall Street had been expecting.

    It's not clear the strategy worked this time. In fact, Microsoft may have offered a case study in how preemption can go wrong. Rather than steering the conversation toward Microsoft's future (a tech giant refitted to better handle what's coming) and away from the past (a juggernaut tied down to the aging market of desktop computing), Microsoft appears to have entered a vacuum of uncertainty.

    On July 11, Microsoft announced a long-awaited restructuring that sought to turn its scattered fiefdoms into a more integrated confederation. Myriad operating systems, long the company's core technology, would be consolidated under one engineering division. Hardware devices would be grouped in another, enterprise in yet another. Over the several following days, the stock gained 5% on the news that the company was shifting its focus on growing markets like cloud services, mobile devices, and apps.

    Never mind that the restructuring drew comparisons to Apple (AAPL) at a time when Apple's future is a matter of debate. Never mind that the single strategy the company was uniting behind -- "to help people realize their full potential" -- sounded more like the job description of a life coach. Microsoft's stock was drifting up to its highest level in nearly six years. The future looked brighter for the company than it had in some time.

    Then came earnings.

    Microsoft said last Thursday that revenue rose 10% on year to $19.9 billion in its fiscal fourth quarter, while net income came in at 59 cents a share. Analysts had been expecting $20.7 billion in revenue and 75 cents a share in profit. Everyone knew that the weak demand for desktops and laptops was hurting Microsoft, but they underestimated the damage. Microsoft said that, while shipments of those PCs to companies rose in the single digits, consumer PC shipments fell 20%.

    On top of that, demand for Microsoft's Surface tablets has been disappointing enough to prompt the company to write down $900 million in inventory. That writedown, which few if any investors were expecting, deleted 7 cents a share from its net income. Microsoft cut Surface RT prices by $150 to $349, and adjustments to "related parts and accessories" also added to the writedown.

    There were bright spots too: Office 365, Outlook.com, Skype, and Xbox LIVE are seeing increased demand from consumers, CFO Amy Hood pointed out. But the gloom of the PC and Surface news seemed to obscure those bright spots. An analyst at Citigroup bluntly called it "the sloppiest quarter in memory."
