

Andy Serwer 2013-08-12



    我知道肯定有很多人会说:“我非常了解史蒂夫,他肯定不是那样。”对此,我认为a) 得了吧,这只是一部电影,而且b)想想还有谁会比艾什顿演的更好?当然,如果史蒂夫在世,他恐怕也会讨厌艾什顿的表演。诚然,艾什顿的表现达不到“出神入化”的地步。但他和运行安卓的三星(Samsung)手机一样,正如我之前所说,两者都很棒。

    电影主要表现了乔布斯在里德学院(Reed College)的学生生活(其中包括由詹姆斯•伍德饰演的一名教授,这个配角纯属浪费胶片),还描述了苹果公司(Apple)的诞生,以及乔布斯被放逐与回归的经历。所以,这部电影的精彩之处在于,看着这位通常有些粗暴的天才如何创立一家标志性的科技公司,最后又遭到邪恶的风投亚瑟•洛克(J•K•西蒙斯饰演)排挤,(农夫保险公司(Farmers Insurance)?)由德蒙特•莫罗尼饰演的迈克•马库拉在关键时刻却并没有支持史蒂夫。演员马修•莫迪恩做了一次有趣的戏路改变,饰演成为苹果公司CEO的前百事公司(Pepsi )高管约翰•斯卡利。



    I got a little freaked out.

    While overall the new movie Jobs rates a definitive 'MEH' from me, and an even harsher, "soooo bad," from Fortune's Adam Lashinsky, I thought Ashton Kutcher in the lead role was pretty damn good. Even to the point where it brought back memories of my various meetings and conversations with Steve, which were sometimes great, sometimes horrible -- but never boring. And it reminded me of how amped I would get -- angry or enthralled -- after talking to him. Not only did Ashton get the many looks of Steve -- brown beard, no beard, gray beard, etc -- but also the mercurial and often maniacal mannerisms.

    I know, I know there are going to be all kinds of people who say, "I knew Steve really well, and he was NOTHING like that." To that I say, a) hey, it's a movie and b) imagine someone doing it orders of magnitude better. Of course Steve himself would probably hate Ashton's performance. And true, Ashton wasn't insanely great. But he was as good as a Samsung running Android, which is, as I said, pretty damn good.

    The movie focuses on the years between Jobs' student days at Reed College (which includes a wasted cameo of James Woods as a professor) and tracks the birth of Apple (AAPL), and then Steve's banishment and return. The dramatic narrative therefore is watching this often abrasive genius figure out how to build an iconic tech company, only to have it snatched away from him by the evil VC Arthur Rock, played by J. K Simmons, (Farmers Insurance anyone?) Dermot Mulroney is Mike Markkula, who doesn't stand by Steve at a crucial moment, while Matthew Modine does an amusing turn as former Pepsi (PEP) exec John Sculley, who becomes Apple's CEO.

    Yes there are some stars in the pic, but overall the film has a low/medium-budget feel to it, (reported to be some $8.5 million) which is not necessarily a bad thing. And I think the filmmakers did an adequate job with what they had (period cars and scenes etc.). Attention to detail was pretty good. Steve's hacienda in Woodside was sparsely furnished. The actress who plays Laurene Powell has beautiful long blond hair. And Ashton told us at the premier that, " ... we shot in the actual garage where Steve and Woz created the first Apple." Cool!

    It was more the storytelling, continuity, and dialogue that fell flat. At one point when Steve is firing Markkula (and who knows if it really happened that way) Steve and board member Ed Woolard tell him to "Go ahead. Take the golden parachute." Um sorry guys, no one would say that. (Only reporters would characterize a buyout thusly. Inside a company you would say, " ... take this generous a package.") Also the movie dragged a bit, and then just as you get to the good part -- Jobs triumphant return -- it's over!   
