

Clay Dillow 2013-08-21
美国海军正在研制的无人侦察机MQ4C Triton一架次每天能侦察200万平方海里的海域,目前全球最顶尖的有人侦察机也要甘拜下风。第一批MQ4C Triton将于明年投入使用,美国海军将从2015年起着手针对它进行训练,2017年将有大批MQ4C Triton正式编入现役。美军全天候持续侦察全球各大洋的目标已经不再遥远。


    与此同时,美国海军的另一款无人侦察机“MQ4C Triton”已于上周在加州的棕榈谷成功进行了第四次试飞。它是美军为了满足短期战略而设计的一款航空器,尤其是它将成为美军部署在亚太地区的一颗重要棋子。无人机在全球各大洋上巡航的日子可能会比很多人想象的来得要快。


    那么,这两款无人机最重要的差异在哪里呢?X-47B像是一个美国尖端技术的展示平台,这架无人机不需要任何的人工干预。而MQ4C Triton则是美国海军在捉襟见肘的财政条件下主动开发一个项目,旨在四年之内就能够初步投入部署。如果MQ4C Triton平台真的能达到它宣传的水平,那么它将使美国海军在全球各大洋占据无与伦比的情报、监视和侦察优势,仅凭一架MQ4C Triton每天就能监视两百万平方海里的海域。从这一点来看,即便是目前全球最顶尖的有人驾驶侦察机也要甘拜下风。

    海军上校詹姆斯•霍克对上周对云集在华盛顿国际无人机系统协会展(Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International show)上的记者表示:“我们即将拥有的是一架在各种气象条件下都具备最佳能力的飞机。”它所带来的全天候、持续性的环境观察能力将为美国海军带来颠覆性的优势。一旦这个机型在2017年得到充分部署,它将在全球各大洋进行不间断的侦察。每架MQ4C Triton都能追踪到方圆2000海里内的任何军用和民用船只,也就是说24小时内便可对200万平方海里内的一切动向了如指掌。

    如果大家觉得MQ4C Triton看起来有点眼熟,这也没什么好奇怪的。它是在诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司的RQ-4“全球鹰”无人机的基础上制造的。RQ-4“全球鹰”的用途非常广泛,从美国空军、美国海军到美国航天局(NASA)都在使用该机型进行多种监视和数据收集任务,比如NASA就用它们追踪大西洋上的飓风。但是MQ4C Triton与RQ-4“全球鹰”有很大的区别。首先它使用了强化机身,还搭载了一套新颖的除冰系统,使它可以从高空迅速地俯冲或爬升,因而优化了长时间巡航的能力。更重要的是,MQ4C Triton可以自动运作。它会通过预先设置好的路径巡航,而当它的传感器捕捉到一些令人感兴趣的信息时,就会自动通知地面操作人员,因而减少了操作该平台所需的人员,同时降低了操作的复杂性。

    The Navy's X-47B unmanned combat jet captured headlines and imaginations earlier this summer when it took off and then landed on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. George H.W. Bush. The event marked the first time an unmanned, autonomous aircraft has pulled off such a feat. In doing so, the sleek, stealthy, robotic X-47B ginned up a great deal of hype and speculation surrounding the future of naval aviation and the role these aircraft -- still in their prototype phase -- might play in future conflicts.

    But meanwhile, the more immediate future of unmanned, autonomous maritime aviation -- and a critical piece of the U.S. military's "pivot" to the Asia-Pacific region -- is shaping up in Palmdale, Calif., where the Navy's MQ-4C Triton completed its fourth successful test flight last week. Autonomous aircraft plying the skies over the world's oceans are closer than many might think.

    The differences between the Navy's long-term plan to field semi-stealthy combat drones and its far more immediate initiative to field a persistent reconnaissance capability over the world's oceans are myriad, but the reason they're worth mentioning in the same sentence is that both platforms demonstrate the absolutely massive impact that autonomous flight will have on civilian and military aviation in the years ahead.

    And the most striking difference? The X-47B is a technology demonstrator that will never see active service. Triton, on the other hand, is an active Navy development program navigating a tough fiscal environment toward initial operating capacity in as few as four years. If the Triton platform works as advertised, it will provide the U.S. Navy with an unparalleled ISR (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) advantage over the world's oceans, including the ability to observe 2 million square miles of ocean per day via a single aircraft, a capability dwarfing that of the best manned recon planes in the air today.

    "What we're going to have is the most capable aircraft in all weather conditions," Capt. James Hoke told reporters gathered at last week's Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International show in Washington D.C., one of the world's biggest trade shows for unmanned technologies. That kind of persistent, around-the-clock situational awareness on the high seas will be a game-changer for the Navy going forward, Hoke says. Once fully fielded in 2017, the idea is that the Navy's Tritons will always be in the sky, observing and tracking every military and civilian vessel within 2,000 nautical miles of each aircraft -- or across 2 million nautical square miles per each 24-hour flight.

    If the Triton aircraft looks familiar, it should. The MQ-4C is built on the back of Northrop Grumman's (NOC) RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft that is used by everyone from the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy to NASA for various surveillance and data collection tasks. (NASA uses them to track hurricanes over the Atlantic.) But the Triton is distinctly different from its predecessors, optimized for long-endurance flights in maritime environments via a strengthened airframe and a novel de-icing system that allows it to rapidly ascend and descend from high altitude. Critically, the MQ-4C will also operate autonomously, piloting itself along a route chosen by its mission handlers and notifying them when its sensor suite detects something interesting, cutting down on the number of personnel needed to operate the platform and the complexity of operations.
