

JP Mangalindan 2013-09-06
亚马逊最新款Kindle Paperwhite虽然外观并没有多少变化,但功能却暗藏着许多惊喜。它变得更轻、更快、更流畅,而且还增加了社交功能。


    亚马逊(Amazon)发布了新款Paperwhite电子书阅读器,并从本周开始接受预订,预计于9月30日出货。新产品共分三个系列:广告版119美元,无广告版139美元,无广告3G版189美元。虽然外形没有太大变化,但新产品中有许多引人瞩目的改进。处理器升级为1 GHz A9处理器,速度可以提高25%;显示器可以提供更高对比度、更锐利的文字,和响应更快的触摸体验。而且,亚马逊方面表示,对内置阅读灯进行的改进,可以消除去年读者们遇到的背光问题。产品重量较前一款更轻:仅7.3盎司,之前一款Paperwhite为7.5盎司。(电池续航时间与存储空间没有变化:每次充电可续航两个月,存储空间为2G,可存储多达1,100本电子书。)






    Based on first impressions, the best e-reader is about to get even better.

    Amazon (AMZN) announced a new Paperwhite e-reader, available for preorder this week and expected to ship by Sept. 30. It will ship in three flavors: $119 with ads, $139 without ads, and $189 sans ads with built-in 3G connectivity. But despite the familiar-looking design, this year's model sports some modest, but notable improvements. The bump to a 1 GHz A9 processor promises a 25% speed boost; the display offers higher contrast, sharper text, a more responsive touch experience, and a new built-in light Amazon says should eliminate any sort of lighting issues some readers had last year. It's also a tad lighter, too: 7.3 ounces vs. the original's 7.5. (Battery life and storage remain the same: two months of reading in-between charges and 2 gigabytes of storage for up 1,100 e-books.)

    "We're on a multi-year -- decade -- mission to build the perfect reading device," Dave Limp, VP of Kindle, tells Fortune. He isn't kidding. While the Paperwhite received uniformly positive reviews last year -- indeed, it remains my own go-to e-reader -- the Kindle team took this year's upgrade seriously. According to Limp, they experimented with up to 25 different ways to illuminate text.

    And while the industrial design remains largely the same, save the change of logo on the back, the user experience is noticeably improved based on the time we had with an early unit. Zippier? Definitely. And while I never had problems reading on my Paperwhite, the text on this year's model is definitely clearer and slightly easier on the eyes. Another tweak readers may appreciate: "refreshing," a flashing effect that rids the screen of any e-ink artifacts, happens a lot less. The previous model refreshed every six page turns. The new Paperwhite will only ever do so at the end of a chapter or after a page with detailed art. It's a small tweak, but one that makes the reading experience slightly more immersive.

    Amazon also plans to roll out some new software features. Touches like page previews and a scrubber to more easily navigate inside e-books will be included on the new Paperwhite from day one. Two other notable features should arrive by Thanksgiving, including parental controls. The other -- integration of the social reading and review site Goodreads -- may prove more popular, allowing users to review books, read recommendations, and see what their friends are reading directly from their Kindles. For Amazon, more social features will likely translate to higher e-book sales, where the Kindle business generates more revenues. (Historically, Kindle hardware has been

    How social features evolve on the Kindle depends on how readers use them. Says Limp: "We would all say this is a day one implementation. I think this is a great start, but it is a start."  
