

《财富》 2013-09-09

    社交网络已经走进了公司。大约十年前,马克•扎克伯格在哈佛大学(Harvard)的宿舍里创办了facebook网站。十年后,几乎所有大公司(以及许多小公司)都开始使用社交工具销售产品与服务,招聘和管理员工,以及处理消费者投诉。美国研究机构CMO Survey二月份对营销高管进行的一项调查发现,受访者预计在五年内,公司营销预算中将有21.6%用于社交媒体销售,而目前这一比例只有8.4%。《财富》杂志(Fortune )对企业界进行了一次调查,同时与部分领先的数字平台进行了交流,以期找出最佳的社交媒体用户。共同的思路是什么?这四家公司和一家研究实验室并不是用社交工具来代替客户服务、营销、招聘和协作,而是利用社交媒体让目前的工作变得更加出色。




    网站及社交媒体账号:jetblue.com; @JetBlue

    如今,滞留旅客的投诉会像病毒般扩散。而即使有海量的信息,捷蓝航空(JetBlue Airways)还是会及时回复。纽约营销公司Likeable Media的董事长戴维•柯本说:“与捷蓝航空相比,其他航空公司的响应速度太慢。”




    The social network has gone corporate. Almost a decade after Mark Zuckerberg started the facebook in his Harvard dorm, virtually all major businesses (and plenty of small companies) are using social tools to sell goods and services, hire and manage employees, and handle customer complaints. Marketing executives polled in February by the CMO Survey say they expect in five years to spend, on average, 21.6% of their marketing budgets on social media outlets, up from an average of 8.4% today. Fortune surveyed the business community and talked to the leading digital platforms to find best-in-class users of social media. The common thread? The four companies (and one research lab) aren't using social tools in place of customer service, marketing, hiring, and collaboration. They're using social media to make their existing practices better.

Best in customer service


Stranded customers love to vent on Twitter and Facebook. JetBlue actually responds.

    jetblue.com; @JetBlue

    These days complaints from stranded passengers can go viral. But even when there's a heavy volume of messages, JetBlue Airways (JBLU) responds in real time. "Every other airline is slower to respond in comparison to JetBlue," says Dave Kerpen, chairman of New York-based marketing firm Likeable Media.

    The airline has had a dedicated social media support team since 2010. Its 26 members have the same training and ability to rebook flights as their call-center counterparts.

    The first place the airline turns when it has news of airport closures and weather delays is its blog. When unexpected events force mass rebookings, JetBlue prefers a good old-fashioned phone conversation with stranded customers, but in times of need, the social team can also assist customers -- booking and simultaneously corresponding with the passenger via Twitter or Facebook messages. --Iris Mansour

