Vice Media首席执行官:传统媒体可以去死了
主流媒体每次都说我们做得不对。我们回答:“当然,因为我们按自己的方式去做。”我们也没有说自己做的就是世界第一。我们就从这个世界来,我们在生产内容,在做一些让年轻产生共鸣的报道。如果那不能让老一辈守护者们满意,那他们可以去死了。 您会对加演的要求采取什么行动? 通过报道罗德曼的朝鲜之旅,我们吸取的经验是,要让内容为自己代言。
我们有个大行动,但我现在还不能说。你看,金正日是个不可思议的人,他来自一个不可思议的国家,我们就去做了一个不可思议的报道。我们心里很清楚。新行动的类型跟这个类似,可我觉得会引起更多的地缘政治反响。 更广义地看,Vice下一步会做什么? 现在是做内容供应商的大好时机。我们非常高兴,很幸运在适合的时候身处一个适当的领域。我要努力宣传的是,互联网是比电视更好的媒体。利用它,你能做的会比电视多得多。可我们生产的内容在很多时候不能依托互联网累积。所以我们必须挑战自我,做得更好。在数字领域创造的内容必须胜过电视的内容。 您对那些设法转战互联网的传统媒体高管有什么建议? 互联网不吃电视那一套。如果董事会会议室里是一帮老家伙,他们说“让我们开始做视频吧”,那他们想方设法去做的就是招一些自己的嫡系。你得到的就是个比电视还不如的电视版视频。必须真正抛弃过去那些条条框框,必须以截然不同的方式创造产品,招聘那些从来没有在电视行当、商业广告或者电影圈工作过的人,直接到学校里选拔人才,招一些不知道自己会做什么的人,组建你自己的学校,培训这些招来的新手。我之所以会告诉你所有这一切,之所以会透露自己的这些秘密,原因在于这种事几乎不可能。 如果你觉得自己会募集5000万美元或者1亿美元,然后放手一搏,招聘一些老手,在互联网上做电视,你就会吃败仗。(财富中文网) 译者:若离 |
Every time mainstream media says we are not doing it correctly, we say "Sure. We are doing it our own way." We are also not saying we are the best in the world. We are out there, we are making content, and doing stories that young people resonate with. If that doesn't satisfy the old guard, they can go to hell quite frankly. What are you doing for an encore? What we learned with the Rodman trip is let your content speak for yourself. We have a big one that I can't talk about. Look, Kim Jong-un is an absurdist character, from an absurdist country, and we went in for an absurd story. We know that. This is sort of similar, but I think it has much more geopolitical resonance. More broadly, what's next for Vice? Look, it's a great time to be a content provider. We are extremely happy and extremely lucky to be in the right pace at the right time. What I try to preach is that online is a better medium than TV. You can do a lot more with it. But the content that we make, in a lot of cases, doesn't stack up against it. We have to challenge ourselves to be better. The content creators for the digital world have to be better than TV. What's your advice for traditional media execs who are trying to migrate online? You can't retrofit it. If there's a bunch of old dudes in a boardroom that go, "OK. Let's start making video," what they try to do is hire pedigreed people. What you get is a shittier version of TV. You really have to rip out the pipes. You have to make things in a different way, hire people who have never worked in TV or commercials or film, get people straight out of schools, get people who don't know what they're doing, form your own school and train these kids. The reason I'm telling you all this, the reason I'm giving away my secrets, is that's it's nearly impossible to do. If you think you're going to raise $50 million or $100 million and go out and hire people who've done it before to do TV online, you're going to fail. |