

Michal Lev-Ram 2013-11-04

    虽然弗雷德•鲍尔德(Fred Bould)这个名字鲜为人知,但如今市面上许多炙手可热的小玩意都出自他名下的工作室之手。如果不亲自造访一趟鲍尔德工作室,你肯定无法想像这一切。这座小小的工作室隐藏在加州山景城101号高速公路旁,与几家汽车修理店和墨西哥煎饼连锁店比邻而居。过去这些年,鲍尔德工作室曾参与打造过不少大受欢迎的设备,例如Roku2流媒体播放器和GoPro最新推出的便携式极限运动摄像机。虽然鲍尔德本人矢口否认,但有消息称,他的其工作室还参与设计过Nest公司的恒温器和烟雾报警器(点开Nest的主页就可以看到那个晶莹剔透的恒温器)。




    Fred Bould is far from a household name, but his small industrial design firm is behind some of the hottest gadgets currently on the market. You'd never guess it by visiting Bould Design's offices—the small team works out of a nondescript building right off of Highway 101 in Mountain View, Calif., nestled among auto body shops and burrito joints. But over the past few years, the firm has helped craft popular devices like the Roku 2 streaming player and GoPro's most recent wearable video camera, used to shoot extreme sports. Bould won't confirm, but his firm is also rumored to have helped develop the design for the Nest thermostat and smoke alarm (the thermostat is featured prominently on the company's website).

    Bould Design has won a number of industry-specific awards in recent years, but is still relatively unknown in more mainstream circles. That clearly hasn't stopped the soft-spoken designer from attracting some of the Valley's sexiest hardware makers. "They hear about us by word of mouth," he says. Here's a sample of some of Bould's most recent designs:


    This new, simplistic device is targeted at seniors (the system includes wireless sensors that attach to pillboxes and automatically notify relatives when grandma or grandpa forget to take their medication).
