

Chanelle Bessette 2013-12-03

    基格•沙是一位专注于能源创新成长的创业家。他是Carbon War Room的现任董事和前CEO,这个组织致力于寻求降低碳排放的商业解决方案。他还是《气候创富:解放气候影响经济》(Creating Climate Wealth:Unlocking the Impact Economy)的作者。2003年,他创立了SunEdison公司,面向全球提供太阳能服务。

    如今,作为基格•沙咨询公司(Jigar Shah Consulting)的首席执行官,他携手众多行业的全球性公司部署由新型商业模式驱动的现有清洁能源解决方案。基格•沙曾经担任《财富》(Fortune)杂志绿色头脑风暴大会(Brainstorm Green conference)的演讲嘉宾,日前,他就被高估的能源项目、个人成就和目标、以及他长期记录各家饭店特色饮食的缘由等10个问题给出了自己的答案。


    我的灵感起初源自太阳能。虽然它仍处于我内心深处,我在Carbon War Room的工作表明比其他地方有更多机会——实际上,有上万亿美元的商机。同样让我感到兴奋的还有重型货车效能、工业效能、船舶效率、生物质能、太阳能、存储和其他很多领域。









    Jigar Shah is an entrepreneur who focuses on the growth of energy innovations. He is a board member and former CEO of the Carbon War Room, an organization that finds business solutions to reducing carbon emissions. He is also author of Creating Climate Wealth: Unlocking the Impact Economy. In 2003, he founded the company SunEdison, which provides global solar energy services.

    Today, as chief executive of Jigar Shah Consulting, he works with global companies in a multitude of industries to deploy existing clean energy solutions fueled by new business models. As a former speaker for Fortune's Brainstorm Green conference, he answered 10 questions for us about overrated energy projects, his accomplishments, his goals, and why he keeps a running log of what he orders at restaurants.

    1. What alternative energy projects are you most excited about?

    Originally my inspiration came from solar energy. While that is still near and dear to my heart, my work at the Carbon War Room showed me that there were more opportunities -- in fact, trillions of dollars of opportunities -- elsewhere. I got equally excited about heavy truck efficiency, industrial efficiency, ship efficiency, biomass, solar thermal, storage, and many other areas.

    2. What alternative energy projects are most overrated?

    Hybrid vehicle technologies. In general, they just don't get us very far. It is like trying to make coal plants more efficient: interesting opportunity, but like a Band-Aid on cancer. We need to drive industries that will be here for the long term that stave off the effects of climate change and drive economic growth.

    3. What green business or person do you admire most? Why?

    There are just so many. I would have to say the car-sharing folks, like SideCar's Sunil Paul. What they are doing is hard and their persistence will usher in an entire generation of people that will never own a car. I got rid of my car; it was liberating.

    4. What is your greatest achievement?

    Unlocking the global solar PV [photovoltaics] industry by popularizing the "no money down" business model. It has helped companies save billions. And because it is a real sustainable solution, it has struck fear into the hearts of the fossil fuel industry. They found out they had vulnerabilities.

    5. What is one characteristic that every leader should possess?

    Humility. No one got there alone.
