合同工斯诺登踢爆美国国安局监控行动 毫无疑问,这是今年最大的丑闻:美国政府至今仍不确定爱德华•斯诺登到底掌握了多少秘密。这位“潜伏”在美国国家安全局(National Security Agency,NSA)的合同工于去年六月秘密逃往国外。这起丑闻涉及多个方面,比如:政府在国内外进行暗中监控的程度,合同工竟然可以轻易获得安全许可,掌握大量敏感数据的斯诺登能够顺利逃往国外,而政府只能望洋兴叹。目前,这出闹剧仍未收场。 |
Edward Snowden and the NSA leaks Without question, the scandal of the year: The U.S. government still doesn't know the number of secrets Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency contractor-gone-rogue, snuck out of the country with last June. The strands to this scandal are many: from the extent of government spying at home and abroad to the ease with which a single contractor got a security clearance, fled the country with untold amounts of sensitive data, and outran that government on a wild goose chase. And the scandal, of course, is still unfolding. |