汽车行业的各种车型并不是生而平等的。由于价格、实用性和用途等原因,紧凑跨界市场的销量(以本田CRV为代表)总是要超过中端的小众运动车型(比如雪佛兰考维特)。这是一个放之四海皆准的定律,没人指望它会被颠覆。 不过如果在各个细分市场内横向对比的话,销量就是一个很重要的指标。每个厂商都希望旗下有一个畅销的热门车,以便通过高产量来降低成本。另外,如果旗下拥有某个细分市场最畅销的车型,也会为厂商带来不小的市场优势。因此奔驰与宝马年年相争,为的就是在年底搏得一个豪华车市场销量冠军的头衔。 以下是2014年至今,11个主要细分市场里表现最好的车型,其中有些是我们的老朋友了,但是有些车型说不定会吓你一跳。 本文的车型分类与销售数据由汽车网站Edmunds.com提供。 |
In the car business, all vehicle types are not created equal. For reasons of price, practicality, and purpose, sales volume generated by cars in the fast-growing compact crossover segment (Honda CR-V) will always trump mid-range sport niche players (Chevrolet Corvette). That is a law of the universe that nobody expects will be broken. But size matters a lot when comparing sales within segments. Every manufacturer wants a top seller that helps spread costs over higher production volume. Besides, there is a marketing advantage that comes with selling the most popular vehicle of a certain type. Look at the games Mercedes-Benz and BMW play at the end of the year to determine who is the luxury car leader. With that in mind, here are the top performers in 11 important segments in 2014 so far. Some are familiar names, and some will surprise you. Model classifications and sales data were provided by Edmunds.com. |
1.微型车:起亚秀尔 起亚(Kia)是汽车业的后起之秀,它1994年才进入美国市场,而且经常被笼罩在自家大哥现代(Hyundai)的阴影下。但是在微型车市场上,方方正正的2014款起亚秀尔(Soul)轻松打败了现代雅绅特(Accent)和雪佛兰Sonic(Chevy Sonic),成为最畅销的微型车。秀尔广告里那几只会唱歌、会卖萌的仓鼠无疑做了不小的贡献。 |
1. Sub-compact car: Kia Soul Kia is the upstart brand among auto retailers, having only entered the U.S. market in 1994. It is usually overshadowed by its controlling partner, Hyundai, but not in this category, where the boxy Soul, redesigned for 2014, easily outsells Hyundai’s Accent and Chevy’s Sonic. Those singing hamsters undoubtedly deserve some of the credit. |