苹果全新iPad抢鲜评测:给你一个买Air 2或mini 3的理由

苹果全新iPad抢鲜评测:给你一个买Air 2或mini 3的理由

JP Mangalindan 2014年10月17日
《财富》杂志记者对苹果昨日刚发布的两款最新平板电脑进行了快速测试。总体来说,Air 2改进较大,用户会注意到运行更快、体型更轻薄、屏幕看起来更轻松等新特性。而mini 3除了加了个Touch ID之外,就没多少升级了。


    iPad Air 2:

    尽管iPad Air 2缺乏创新亮点,但却进行了全面的小幅升级。这款全新的9.7英寸平板与去年的老款看起来别无二致,但却轻薄了18%——这使它比一支铅笔还薄,成为市面上最薄的平板(蒂姆•库克在发布会上开玩笑称:“你还能看得见它吗?”)据苹果公司称,全新的屏幕使炫光和反光减少近半。同时它也搭载了了Touch ID,也就是去年亮相iPhone 5S的指纹扫描技术,用户把手指放在Home键上就可以解锁。

    iPad Air的其他改进都在意料之中:更快的处理器和图形芯片,能快速抓拍多张照片的Burst模式,定价599美元及以上的机型享有更大存储空间。10月24日起,新iPad Air开始接受预订。

    所有这些小幅升级都不会让用户感到惊艳,但它们整体上确实让iPad用户的使用体验更好了。应用打开得更快,网站加载速度更快,我试玩的一款有大量图形界面的游戏也运行得飞快。而新屏幕到底如何呢?它号称大幅减少了炫光和反光,但只有当我把它放在灯下的一台iPad Mini 3边上时,才能感受到这种效果。确实有一定效果,但远不如我期待的那么明显。

    iPad mini 3:

    如果说体型较大的iPad今年算是做了点“整容”的话,那它的小姐妹就只能说做了半小时的“脸部养护”了。iPad mini 3也是10月24日开售,7.9英寸的迷你身材让它轻松便携,但除了加了个Touch ID之外,它就没多少升级了。确实它现在有土豪金、银色和“太空灰”几个颜色了,但iPad Air 2也这样。此外,定价499美元及以上的iPad Mini 3存储空间更大了,但iPad Air 2同样如此。

    实际上,iPad mini 3在尺寸、处理器和摄像头等方面和去年的老款几乎一模一样,以至于拿着这台“新款”给我一种似曾相识的错觉。跟Air2相比,它显然更厚,运行速度慢得多,也没有Air 2那块防炫光的屏幕。它仍然是一款便宜耐用的平板——只是没什么新东西罢了。

    Apple unveiled new iPads at the tech giant’s Cupertino, Ca. headquarters on Thursday. Fortune had 30 minutes to try them both out. While Apple clearly fine-tuned last year’s models — one much more than the other — instead of entirely remaking them, the latest iPads seemingly uphold company’s reputation for making quality products.

    The iPad Air 2:

    What the iPad Air 2 lacks in sheer novelty, it makes up for with tweaks across the board. The new 9.7-inch tablet looks a lot like last year’s model, but manages to be 18% slimmer — a design feat that makes the iPad Air 2 thinner than a pencil. It’s the thinnest tablet on the market. (“Can you even see it?” Tim Cook quipped at the unveiling.) A new screen cuts glare and reflections by roughly half, according to Apple. And now there’s Touch ID, the same fingerprint scanning technology found in last year’s iPhone 5s that lets users unlock their devices by placing a finger on the home button.

    The rest of the iPad Air’s improvements are beneath the hood: a faster processor and graphics chip, a Burst mode feature that quickly snaps a series of photos and more storage on iPad models priced $599 and above. It will be available starting Oct. 24.

    All those nips and tucks won’t blow users away, but they do add up to a better experience overall for iPad users. Apps open faster, websites load more quickly and a graphics-heavy driving video game I tried zipped by. As for that new screen? It cuts down on glare and reflections, but I only appreciated the effect when I placed the tablet alongside the iPad Mini 3 under a lamp. It’s there, but far more subtle than I expected.

    The iPad mini 3:

    If the larger iPad received something of a face lift this year, its smaller sibling got a half-hour facial. Available Oct. 24, the iPad mini 3 is more portable thanks to its 7.9-inch size, but there’s very little new here besides the addition of Touch ID. Sure, it comes in gold now, as well as silver and “space gray,” but so does the iPad Air 2. And yes, the iPad Mini 3 offers more storage on models priced $499 and over, but again, the iPad Air 2 does that, too.

    In fact, the iPad mini 3 is virtually identical to last year’s model down to the dimensions, processor and camera, so much so that handling the device gave me déjà vu. Compared to the Air 2, it’s noticeably thicker, runs significantly slower and lacks the Air 2’s glare-resistant screen. It’s still a solid, affordable tablet — it just doesn’t offer much that’s new.

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