

Jason Cipriani 2014年10月20日






    Passport奇异的外形无疑为黑莓拉来了一些人气。黑莓将Passport定位为面向商务人士的终极生产力工具。如果你觉得这种定位口号耳熟的话,那是因为它之前也这样干过:近几年来,每次有重大的产品发布,黑莓都会推出以商务为主题的宣传语。这家公司给人的感觉就像在说:“请原谅我们推出了粉色的黑莓Pearl Flip手机”,或“这个手机不能玩《飞扬的小鸟》(Flappy Bird)。”



    我也开始欣赏起黑莓在10.3系统中推出的BlackBerry Blend功能。你可不要顾名思义,以为它是一种饮料。它是黑莓最新推出的一项服务,可以让你通过台式电脑等设备访问你的手机中的内容与信息,哪怕你把手机忘在家里、车里或办公室的桌子里都不成问题。虽然初次连接有点小麻烦,但后来我就频繁地通过苹果的Mac台式电脑和iPad连接Passport手机了。


    “Why should I care?”

    That’s the phrase I uttered to myself when I first unboxed BlackBerry’s latest smartphone, the Passport.

    Why should I care about the device’s odd 4.5-inch square screen? Why should I care that the device is the same size and shape as its namesake? Why should I care that Amazon’s App Store is preinstalled on the Passport?

    Okay, okay, forgive my skepticism. There’s a lot to love about the Passport. It’s the first product launch under BlackBerry CEO John Chen, who took over the struggling company last November. In an effort to turn it around, Chen said he wanted to return to the Canadian company’s roots by providing devices and services that appeal to large companies, a.k.a. the enterprise.

    A travel document-shaped phone fit for business travel? Sure. Why not?

    BlackBerry BBRY -1.77% positions its oddly shaped device—which certainly succeeds at drawing attention to the company—as the ultimate productivity tool for those who want to get work done. If the marketing sounds familiar, it is: In recent years, BlackBerry has let out a business-focused battle cry with every major product release. It’s as if the company is saying, “Please, forgive us for the pink BlackBerry Pearl Flip.” Or perhaps, “Here is a phone that won’t run Flappy Bird.”

    In truth, the Passport’s screen lends itself to displaying more information without forcing you to rotate the device, as you will often do with a phone of more conventional proportions. I found the screen quality to be on par with, if not slightly better than, Apple’s iPhone and most high-end Android devices on the market.

    And you know what? The Passport may be a square, but I came to appreciate its dimensions. In testing, I grew to respect its wider view, unobstructed by a digital keyboard—though I would gladly forfeit screen space to make room for a more classically sized BlackBerry keyboard. (More on that in a moment.)

    I also came to appreciate a feature called BlackBerry Blend, new in version 10.3 of the company’s mobile operating system. No, it’s not some smoothie—it’s a service that allows you to access the content and messages on your phone from your desktop computer, even if you’ve left it at home (or in the car, or in your office desk drawer). After a few initial connection hiccups, I found myself frequently connecting to the Passport from my Apple Mac desktop computer and Apple iPad.

    As for that keyboard: It’s much different than the physical keyboards found on other BlackBerry devices. The Passport’s keyboard is limited to three rows (the classic BlackBerry arrangement is four). The bottom row is split by a spacebar. The shift and symbol keys, normally found flanking the space bar, now reside on the screen in digital form.

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