

Ben Geier 2015年01月07日



    The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is a smorgasbord of cool, with gadgets and prototypes filling the convention halls for three days. While most of the technology tends towards the small — smart phones, tablets, and wearable computers — one industry that gets major play at the annual conference is decidedly larger and perhaps even more mobile: cars.

    With the auto industry in an arms race to have the newest, coolest, most useful technology, CES is the perfect place for car companies to show off their new features and talk about what we’ll be seeing in the coming year in showrooms. With CES underway this week, here’s a few of the most tantalizing things we’ve seen from the auto industry so far.



    In-car shopping from GM

    This is one that sounds perfect for people who get tired and hungry when they're driving: GM's OnStar system is adding a new program called "AtYourService," in which a human assistant helps with shopping and can even book hotel reservations. The system will offer coupons and information about retailers, plus help find parking. GM even has a partnership set up with Dunkin' Donuts for deals.


    虽然油价持续走低,但在CES消费电子展上,电动汽车展区依然人头攒动。通用汽车当然不愿错过这个机会。上周日晚,经过重新设计的新款雪佛兰沃兰达轿车(Chevy Volt)借助这个舞台闪亮登场。关于这款插电式混合动力汽车的信息还不是很多,但由于这款车型本来计划在下周的底特律汽车展上才正式亮相,能够提前一睹它的真容,让不少记者兴奋不已。科技媒体The Verge指出,这是沃兰达自2007年推出以来的首次大改。在目前少数可知的细节中,我们知道该车型的纯电池续航里程有所增加,而纯电动续航弱也是第一代沃兰达最令人诟病之处。

    Chevrolet previews the new Volt

    Despite lower fuel prices, electric cars continue to capture interest at CES. On Sunday night, GM tried to capitalize on that by giving a sneak peak of a redesigned Chevy Volt. Not much information was available about the plug-in electric car, but journalists were excited to take a look before the car is officially unveiled next week at the Detroit auto show. The Verge notes that this is the first major redesign of the Volt since it debuted in 2007. Among the few details is that the car may come with an extended electric-only driving range, one of the main complaints about the first generation of the model.

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