时代车轮滚滚前进,人们的消费习惯也在发生着变化。人们曾经认为以下这些经典品牌、企业和产品将长盛不衰,但现在它们都深陷困境。 这种命运的转变部分可归因于80后90后有着不同的品味和价值观,但抛弃这些品牌的并非只有他们这一代人。随着社交媒体的兴起,如果一款产品呈现衰微之势或是跟不上时代潮流,这个消息很快就会传遍全国乃至全世界。
Times change and so do consumption habits. The following iconic brands, companies, and products once seemed to be timeless, but now it seems the titans are teetering. Part of these shifts in buying habits can be attributed to the different tastes and values of millenials. But it’s not only millenials turning their backs on these brands. With the resources of social media, it’s easier to spread the message nationwide and globally if a product or business is unhealthy or otherwise outmoded. |
麦当劳 麦当劳的销售额下跌幅度超过了预期,仅2015年第一季度就下跌近4亿美元。该公司日前宣布将关闭分布在日本、美国和中国的350家业绩不佳的门店。除此之外,麦当劳还面临着一系列其它困境。 至于麦当劳近年的生意何以如此惨淡,一个被经常提及的原因是,麦当劳的顾客们正在涌向他们认为更健康的快餐连锁品牌(比如Chipotle)。除此之外,近年来市场上涌现了一批高端的汉堡连锁店,如Shake Shack、Five Guys和Smashburger等等。不过现在看来,麦当劳的平价策略正在产生对经营不利的效果。 为了获得80后90后的青睐,麦当劳尝试了不少办法。比如在今年1月,为了回应其销售额12年来首次下降这一局势,麦当劳推出了“全天早餐”,并于3月24日在全美24个城市开展了持续24小时的“欢乐日”活动。麦当劳也承认,该公司“亟需追随消费者的口味变化。”在澳大利亚,麦当劳试验性地开了一家名叫“悉尼之角”的新潮咖啡厅,同时开始在墨尔本提供定制的精美汉堡。该公司最近还公布了其扭转计划的一些细节,不过都没有打动投资人。
McDonald’s McDonald’s sales declined more than expected–nearly $400 million–in the first quarter of 2015, as the company annouced they were closing 350 poorly performing stores in Japan, the U.S., and China. And that’s just the latest in a series of struggles the fast food giant has gone through lately. The oft-cited reason for McDonald’s woes is that customers are defecting to chains they see as healthier choices, like Chipotle. Plus more upscale burger chains like Shake Shack, Five Guys, and Smashburger are edging in. It seems like a case of the ubiquitous Golden Arches and what they stand for are now working against the corporation. McDonald’s has tried a number of tactics to capture that millennial love such as test-marketing all-day breakfastand a 24-hour, 24-city marketing “day of joy” on March 24, a response to reporting its first sales fall in 12 years in January. At the time the company admitted there was an “urgent need to evolve with today’s consumers.” In Australia, McDonalds opened an experimental hipster cafe called The Corner in Sydney and is offering customizable gourmet burgers in Melbourne. The company recently announced that the first details of a turnaround plan but itfailed to impress investors. |