创业之后,你是否真的拥有了比给别人打工时更多的自由?答案是:既是,也不是。 朝九晚五的打工生涯最令人痛苦的,莫过于下班后你已经累得无力去做任何对于个人来说有意义的事。从早上起床那一刻起,到晚上上床那一刻为止,你永远都在奔波劳碌,要么是准备出席活动,为某事辛勤劳作,要么就是准备出差。 等我真正开始给自己打工时,我以为自己终于可以摆脱“职场一块砖,哪里需要哪里搬”的生活,可以开始做自己喜欢的事了,但事实是,自己当老板的日子并不像我当初想象的样子,甚至差得很远。 下面是我听到过的三个关于创业生活的谎言,你被其中哪几条忽悠了呢? 谎言1:你能一觉睡到自然醒 你可能会想:“6点起床太早了!等我自己当了老板,我要制定一张自己的日程表,想睡到几点就几点!” 真相:如果你读过一些全世界最成功人物的传记或故事,你会发现,这些牛人一般都是早上三四点钟就起床工作了。你甚至可能会想,如果某天晚上你熬夜了,只要你睡着了,第二天几点起来根本不重要。一天工作八小时足矣。是吗? 错! 事实上,早起和晚起是有很大差别的。和一觉睡到10点钟相比,每天早上五六点钟起床,能让你拥有完全不同的一天。因为你比别人多了四五个小时去做项目,而且这段时间还是一天中效率最高的时候。本杰明•富兰克林就曾说过:“早睡早起……使人健康、富有和聪明”,先贤诚不我欺也。 但这一点实在令人丧气……因为人人都爱睡懒觉。 不幸的是,创业者是不能睡懒觉的! 谎言2:你有更多的时间做副业 你可能会想:“我现在工作太忙了,没有时间搞兴趣爱好、提高学习技能,或者干自己喜欢的项目。等我自己当了老板,我每天都要抽出时间干一些重要的事情,因为我才是老板!” 真相:你可能深信一旦你能控制自己的日程,你就可以在任何时间做任何想做的事,让其他事情都给它让路。在某种程度上的确如此,大多数时间里,你的日程安排是有一定灵活性的。 但是(一个大大的“但是”),你得为很多人负责。实际上,和打工仔相比,作为一个企业家,你得为更多人负责。虽然你上面没有老板管着你,但你还有客户、合作伙伴和同事,他们每天都要靠你来解决一些问题。 这是一个值得考虑的问题。即便你炒了你的老板,你依然需要其他人的支持才能实现目标。没有人能成为一座孤岛。 另外,由于你没有固定的工作时间,这也意味着任何时候都可能成为工作时间。如果发生了问题,你就必须随时解决。你不能打电话请病假,也不能让人替你做工作。所有事情都要靠你一个人。大多数日子里,你都不可能有大块时间去做自己想做的事。可能你不用一直待在办公室的格子间里,但你还是得忙于各种工作。 因此,尽管没人说你不能去做自己喜爱的项目,但创业也不等于绝对自由。有很多事情等着你去完成,另外,就像普通上班族一样,你依然还要尽到应尽的责任。 谎言3:在家工作更舒服 你可能会想:“在公司里想集中注意力太难了,我希望能在某个安静舒适的地方工作,比如在我家床上。如果我自己当了老板,我每天都要穿着睡衣工作!” 真相:在家工作,特别是穿着睡衣工作,一般是电视广告主角才能享受的特权。“想象一下在家工作的兴奋感吧!” 事实上,对于很多人来说,在家工作其实是个很糟糕的选择。不仅是因为在家工作并不愉快,还因为你在家里几乎什么都干不成。一边是电视画面让你分神,一边是冰箱里的美食呼唤着你,脚下还有小狗跑来跑去,想在这样的环境下高效工作,绝对是个不小的挑战。 最终你会发现,你必须离开家才能好好工作。 尽管出现过这些问题,但千万不要误解我的意思,给自己打工依然是一件美妙的事儿,拿什么我都不会换。创业的好处比坏处多得多。(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 审校:任文科 |
The freedom people hope for when dreaming of running their own business is seldom the same as the freedom they get. Do you really have more freedom as an entrepreneur than as an employee?The answer: Yes and no. The primary complaint with the typical 9 to 5 schedule is that it simply leaves you too freaking tired to do anything personally fulfilling after work. From the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to bed, you’re in constant motion, either preparing to show up somewhere, plowing through something or preparing to leave. When I became fully self-employed, I thought I would be able to fix all the glaring problems with the “employee schedule” by simply doing the opposite of what I didn’t like. Well, I’m here to tell you that these proposed solutions did not work out like I thought they would. Not even close, actually. Here are three lies I was told about entrepreneurial life. How many of these do you believe? Lie # 1: You’ll get to sleep in You might think to yourself, “6 a.m. is too early to wake up! When I’m my own boss, I’ll make my own schedule and wake up when I feel like it!” The truth: If you read biographies or stories about the world’s most successful people, you’ll hear over and over again that they get up at INSANE hours like 3 and 4 a.m. to start working. You may even think that even if you stayed up late, as long as you get sleep, it doesn’t really matter when you get up the next day. Eight hours is 8 hours, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, getting up early makes a huge difference. Waking up at 5 or 6 a.m. allows you to have an entirely different day than waking up at 10 a.m., simply because you’re getting a four or five-hour jump on projects when you’re primed to be most productive. Benjamin Franklin was right when he said “early to bed, early to rise…makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” And that really sucks…because everyone love sleeping in.Unfortunately, entrepreneurs can’t. Lie #2: You’ll have more free time to work on side projects You might think, “I don’t have any time to work on hobbies/skills/projects I enjoy. When I work for myself, I’ll make time in the middle of the day to do things that are important. There’s no boss here except me!” The truth: You may be convinced that once you control your own schedule, you’ll be able to do what you want, when you want, and fit everything else in around that. To an extent, that is true. You do have some flexibility in your day most of the time. But (and this is a big “but”), you’re still accountable to many people. In fact, entrepreneurs are probably accountable to more people those with regular jobs. Even though you don’t have a boss, you’ll have clients, partners and colleagues who depend on you daily to help them with things. And that’s something worth thinking about. Even if you ditch your boss, you’ll still need the support of other people to make it on your own. Nobody is an island. Additionally, since you don’t have set work hours, any time and all the time can be working hours. If something comes up, you have to handle it. There’s no calling in sick and having someone do your job. It’s all you. Most days, you won’t have a gigantic block of free time in the middle of the day to do whatever you want. You may not be stuck in a cubicle, but you’ll still be busy working. So, while nobody can tell you can’t work on your passion projects, it’s not a free-for-all. Lots of things still have to get done and, just like a regular working Joe, you need to make sure you’re meeting your obligations. Lie #3: You’ll be more comfortable working from home You might think, “It’s so hard to stay focused at work. I’d love to be able to work somewhere quiet and comfortable, like my bed. When I have my own business, pajamas for work every day!” The truth: Working from home, especially from the comfort of your PJs, is a perk that infomercial kingpins have touted about self-employment for years. “Imagine the thrill of working from home!” The reality is that for many people, working from home sucks. Not because it’s not enjoyable, but because you simply can’t get anything done at home. Between the TV flickering in the background, the fridge calling your name and the dog running around, productive work time can be a challenge. You may find that you have to leave the house just to get anything done. Now, don’t get me wrong. Self-employment is still amazing, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The upsides definitely outweigh the downsides. |