余承东坚持将消费者利益放在首位。 中国公司华为表示,其支持苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆•库克拒绝为美国政府破解一部iPhone手机的立场,但它并未表明该公司是否会采取同样的立场。 在巴塞罗那召开的世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)上,华为消费业务部门首席执行官余承东对媒体表示:“这很重要,我们同意苹果的作法。” “隐私保护对华为非常重要,我们在隐私保护方面进行了大量投资。信息安全保护是其中的关键,对消费者非常重要。” 去年12月份,里兹万•法鲁克和他的妻子塔什芬•马利克在圣贝纳迪诺的节日聚会上枪杀14人,并造成22人受伤。美国政府要求苹果解锁法鲁克使用的一部iPhone手机,但遭到了苹果公司的拒绝。 余承东表示:“蒂姆•库克表明了对(隐私保护)的态度……对我们而言,隐私保护非常重要。” “我认为让政府部门理解我们为什么不能做某些事情,这是好事。我们应当有所为有所不为。” 在被问到华为面对类似情况是否会采取相同作法时,余承东表示,华为将“坚持对消费者重要的事情。” 他引用了解锁一款加密安卓设备的例子称:“政府要求厂商做到的某些事情,我们做不到。 因为这些事情涉及隐私保护,对消费者非常重要。” 此前,华为发布了华为Matebook,该款平板电脑与可拆卸键盘二合一设备,瞄准商业市场,旨在与苹果、三星(Samsung)和联想(Lenovo)等竞争对手展开竞争。 余承东表示,新产品采用英特尔酷睿M处理器,运行微软Windows 10操作系统。 据高德纳(Gartner)统计,华为是中国市场的领先者,也是世界第三大智能手机制造商,其去年出货的1亿多台智能手机均采用谷歌的安卓操作系统。 余承东表示,华为有信心继续推动增长。他表示,一月份通常是电子产品销售的淡季,但华为的出货量超过了1,200万台。(财富中文网) 译者:刘进龙/汪皓 |
Richard Yu insists on putting the consumer first. China’s Huawei said it backed Apple’s chief executive Tim Cook in his stand-off with the United States government over breaking into an iPhone, but stopped short of saying explicitly it would adopt the same stance. “It is very important, we agree with that,” Richard Yu, chief executive of Huawei’s consumer business group, told reporters in Barcelona gathered for the Mobile World Congress. “Privacy protection is very important for Huawei, we put a lot of investment into privacy, and security protection is key, it is very important for the consumer.” Apple is resisting U.S. government demands that it unlock an iPhone used by Rizwan Farook, who along with his wife, Tashfeen Malik, shot and killed 14 people and wounded 22 others at a holiday party in San Bernardino in December. “Tim Cook spoke up for that (privacy) … for us it is really very important,” Yu said. “I think it’s good letting the government understand why we cannot do some things. There are some things we can do, but there are some things we cannot do.” Asked directly if Huawei would take the same approach in similar circumstances, Yu said Huawei would “insist on the important things for consumers”. “Some things the government requires from vendors we cannot do,” he said, citing an example of unlocking an encrypted Android device. “These are important things for the consumer, for privacy protection.” |