6个月刷新全年记录 中资企业全球并购再掀高潮
2016年前六个月,中资企业为海外并购案投入的资金已经超过2015年全年水平,2015年中资企业涉及的并购案金额达创纪录的1110亿美元。之所以创下记录,主要因为近年来中资企业纷纷走出国门开疆辟壤——资本充裕的外资企业自然有动力奔赴海外收购。不过也能看出,人民币不断贬值和中国经济增长放缓给企业带来很大压力。 据路透社统计,今年中资企业最大的收购案是中国化工集团公司斥资430亿美元竞购瑞士农化集团先正达,几乎占今年以来中资并购合计交易额1116亿美元的40%。其他大规模交易包括海航集团以63亿美元收购电子产品分销商英迈、海尔集团报价54亿美元拟收购通用电气家电业务、美的集团有意收购德国工业机器人制造商库卡。 当然,并非所有中资企业的收购计划都顺利完成。今年安邦保险集团就在喜达屋酒店及度假村国际集团的竞购战中败下阵来,凸显了中资企业在海外面临的监管风险。 然而,华盛顿律师事务所霍金路伟全球并购业务主管比尔•科廷等等中国事务观察家预计,即便中国监管机构因害怕资本外流可能导致人民币进一步贬值进而加以限制,中资还会继续出海。 人民币在贬值,中国经济增速较前几年大为放缓,加之中国对国外技术和资产兴趣浓厚,中资企业有诸多理由海外大采购.(财富中文网) 译者:Pessy 审校:夏林 |
In the first six months of 2016, Chinese companies have already spent more on foreign M&A deals than they did in all of 2015, when they disbursed a full year record of $111 billion. You can thank a years-long trend of Chinese companies expanding abroad for part of the news—there is the natural tendency of well-capitalized foreign companies to go shopping on the foreign stage—but there’s also the more recent pressure of China’s declining currency and its own slowing domestic economy. The largest deal this year is China National Chemical’s $43 billion bid for the Swiss Syngenta SYT -0.98% , which composed almost 40% of this year’s $111.6 billion total, according to a Reuters tally. The other big deals include HNA Group’s $6.3 billion acquisition of Ingram Micro, Haier’s $5.4 billion bid for GE’s appliance business, and Midea’s interest in German industrial robotic firm Kuka. Not all the announced deals end up going through, of course. Anbang’s failed bid for Starwood HOT 1.50% this year is a shining example of the regulatory slog Chinese companies face overseas. But China watchers like Bill Curtin, global head of M&A at Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C., expect the waves of Chinese money to continue flowing outward even as Chinese regulators pressure foreign outflows out of fear that they could weaken the yuan even further. Between the yuan, the Chinese economy growing far more slowly than few years ago, and China’s interest in foreign technology and assets, Chinese companies have plenty of reasons to spend. |