出演《复仇者联盟》、《美国队长》等多部卖座电影的斯嘉丽·约翰逊刚刚跻身影史总收入最高的十大影星榜单。 亚马逊旗下电影票房统计网站Box Office Mojo的数据显示,约翰逊以33亿美元合计收入(未根据通胀因素调节)成为排名第十的10大票房收入最高的电影明星,仅次于迈克尔·凯恩和约翰尼·德普。更令人瞩目的也许是,约翰逊是前十名中唯一的女性。 和她一同主演《复仇者联盟》的影星塞缪尔.L.杰克逊和小罗伯特·唐尼也双双上榜,分别居于第二和第五位。年仅31岁的约翰逊是20年来最年轻的上榜影星。而美国娱乐与传媒资讯网站TheWrap还指出,影星收入统计的是演员从影以来在美国票房总额,约翰逊如此年轻就跻身前十就更为难得。 “她这么年轻就有如此成就,真是太惊人了。”影评网站烂番茄的高级编辑格瑞·德雷克评价道。 相形之下,詹妮弗·劳伦斯的排名要低得多,仅排在第55位。尽管排名较低,曾主演《饥饿游戏》系列影片的劳伦斯总收入已达23亿美元。此外,劳伦斯在2015年女星收入排行榜中名列榜首,税前收入为5200万美元。 虽然总收入排名攀升,但约翰逊若想突破女明星收入的隐形天花板还要继续努力。在《福布斯》2015年全球名人收入排行榜中,她名列第65位,年收入约3550万美元,另一位《复仇者同盟》的主演小罗伯特·唐尼年收入8000万美元,与女歌星泰勒·斯威夫特并列第8名。 虽然约翰逊排名上升是可喜的变化,但好莱坞在用工歧视方面一直遭人诟病,特别是涉及到女导演时。今年5月,两家联邦政府机构就针对好莱坞歧视女导演的现象展开了联合调查。 该调查由非营利组织美国公民自由联盟发起,收集了50多位女导演的证词。这些女导演都指责好莱坞有性别歧视现象,比如多家电影公司都有几乎全是男导演的“御用名单”。 据美国南加州大学发布的年度报告《赛璐珞天花板报告》,去年票房最高的250部影片中,只有9%的导演是女性。ACLU称,按照最高法院的定义,这一比例显示制度性歧视实际存在。 女导演正屡获成功,她们执导的电影也风评甚佳。2015年就有一些大卖影片是女导演的作品,如萨姆·泰勒-约翰逊的《五十度灰》、伊丽莎白·班克斯的《完美音调2》和南希·迈耶斯的《实习生》。遗憾的是,好莱坞认为这些成功案例只是偶然,并非常态。 以下是影史收入排名前十的电影演员: 1.哈里森·福特——49亿美元 2.塞缪尔.杰克逊——47亿美元 3. 摩根·弗里曼——44亿美元 4. 汤姆·汉克斯——43亿美元 5. 小罗伯特·唐尼——39亿美元 6. 艾迪·墨菲——38亿美元 7. 汤姆·克鲁斯——36亿美元 8. 约翰尼·德普——33亿美元 9. 迈克尔·凯恩——33亿美元 10. 斯嘉丽·约翰逊——33亿美元 (财富中文网) 译者:Pessy 审校:夏林 |
Scarlett Johansson, known for her roles in box office hits like the Avengers and Captain America, just joined the list of the top 10 highest-grossing movie stars of all time. According to data from Box Office Mojo, Johansson is the 10th highest-grossing movie star ever, coming in at $3.3 billion (not adjusted for inflation), trailing just behind Michael Caine and Johnny Depp. What’s perhaps even more notable is that Johansson is the only woman in the top 10. Johansson joins her Avengers co-stars Samuel L. Jackson who is No. 2 on the list, and Robert Downey, Jr. who is 5th on the list. At just 31 years old, she is youngest on the list by 20 years. What makes her place even more impressive, however, is that it combines the domestic box office revenue of an actors entire filmography, according to TheWrap. “It is staggering when you take into account how young she is,” Rotten Tomatoes senior editor Grae Drake told The Wrap. By comparison, Jennifer Lawrence appeared much lower on the list, coming in at No. 55. Despite the lower number for the Hunger Games star, she still pulled a gross of $2.3 billion. Lawrence was also ranked the highest-paid actress in 2015, with a pre-tax pay of $52 million. Despite climbing the gross-pay ladder, Johansson still has a ways to go before she can break through the glass ceiling. She was No. 65 on the Forbes’ World’s Highest Paid Celebrities in 2015 list, earning about $35.5 million, compared to her Avengers co-star, Robert Downey, Jr., who made $80 million and is tied with Taylor Swift for No. 8. While this is great for Johansson, Hollywood has still long been under scrutiny for discriminatory hiring practices, especially when it comes to female directors. Back in May, a federal investigation was launched by two government agencies to investigate discrimination against female directors in Hollywood. The investigation was initiated by the American Civil Liberties Union, which collected testimonials from over 50 female directors who reported sexist practices such as almost male-only “short lists” which were compiled by various studios. Women also made up just 9% of all directors for the top 250 grossing films last year, according to the annual Celluloid Ceiling Report released by the University of Southern California. The ACLU says this number indicates a systemic bias, as defined by the Supreme Court. Female directors do succeed, as do their films. Some of 2015’s biggest hits were Sam Taylor-Johnson’s Fifty Shades of Grey, Elizabeth Banks’ Pitch Perfect 2 and Nancy Meyers’ The Intern. Unfortunately, however, they’re considered the exception, not the rule. Here’s the top 10 highest-grossing actors: 1.Harrison Ford – $4.9 billion 2.Samuel L. Jackson – $4.7 billion 3.Morgan Freeman – $4.4 billion 4. Tom Hanks – $4.3 billion 5. Robert Downey Jr. – $3.9 billion 6. Eddie Murphy – $3.8 billion 7. Tom Cruise – $3.6 billion 8. Johnny Depp – $3.3 billion 9. Michael Caine – $3.3 billion 10. Scarlett Johansson – $3.3 billion |