Wealth-X针对亿万富翁的调查数据显示,在2015年,全球每10名亿万富翁中,大约就有3人(29.9%)至少没有获得本科学位。接受调查的亿万富翁共有2,473人,其中739人存在这种情况。不过这一比例与2014年的35%相比,已经有所下滑。 有不少亿万富翁选择了退学,他们加入了Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格和微软(Microsoft)创始人比尔·盖茨的行列,前者在大二时从哈佛大学退学,如今资产净值高达535亿美元,后者在1975年也是从哈佛退学。 不过大部分亿万富翁还是拿到了学士学位,许多人还选择了进修。有24%的亿万富翁获得了硕士学位,13.1%的亿万富翁获得了工商管理硕士(MBA)。约9.5%的亿万富翁获得了哲学博士学位,3.4%成为了法学博士,0.7%成为了医学博士。 一些大学也有着更高的亿万富翁出产率。 到目前为止,哈佛大学是亿万富翁最青睐的学校,他们给亿万富翁授予的学位数是排名第二的斯坦福大学的两倍。 相比之下,《财富》500强的首席执行官中只有30%仅获得过学士学位。获得过工商管理硕士的人数比例可观,达到了43%。(财富中文网) 译者:严匡正 |
About three out of 10 billionaires—29.9%—around the world did not have at least a bachelors degree in 2015, according to a billionaire census by Wealth-X. That’s 739 out of the total 2,473 billionaires. The percent of billionaires with a university degree, though, has fallen since 2014, when roughly 35% of billionaires had no degree. Quite a few billionaires then, join the ranks of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who left Harvard during his sophomore year and now claims a $53.5 billion net worth, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who also bowed out of the same university in 1975. The vast majority of billionaires however did make it to a bachelors degree, and many went farther. Twenty-two percent went on the nab a Master’s degree, while 13.1% of all billionaires earned an MBA. About 9.5% took home a PhD, 3.4% can tout a JD, and a lesser 0.7% can hang an MD behind their desks. Some universities also tend to produce more billionaires. Harvard University is the most popular destination, by far, among billionaires, awarding twice as many degrees as the runner up, Stanford University. In comparison, just 30% of Fortune 500 CEOs have just a bachelors degree. And a good percentage, 43%, earned an MBA as well. |