一座按奥运会标准修建的游泳池,一段悠久的历史,和一座占地35英亩的风光旖旎的私人植物园。 据全美广播公司新闻频道(CNBC)报道,只要你能出得起11亿美金,这座莱斯德雷斯庄园(Villa Les Cedres)包括上面提到的游泳池和植物园就都是你的了。这座庄园始建于1870年,它的价值仅仅比媒体业的“独角兽”公司DraftKings低了那么一点点。 |
An Olympic-sized pool, a rich history and a stunning, private, 35-acre botanical garden. The Villa Les Cedres and all its trimmings could be yours for around $1.1 billion, according to CNBC. As a point of comparison, the reported price tag of the Villa, built in 1870, is just below the value of the media unicorn DraftKings. |
这座庄园坐落在法国尼斯附近亿万富翁云集的圣让弗拉角半岛,它目前的主人是酒水生产商金巴利公司(Campari)。 莱斯德雷斯庄园拥有10间卧室、30间马厩和一座礼拜堂。该庄园的花园已被法国政府认证为国家级遗址。它在历史上曾是比利时国王利奥波德二世的度假居所。据CNBC报道,卓别林、伊莉莎白·泰勒等明星也曾在此小住。上世纪20年代,柑曼怡酒(Grand Marnier)的创造者马尼尔-拉博斯特家族买下了这套庄园。 今年三月,金巴利以7.6亿美元收购了柑曼怡,莱斯德雷斯庄园也随之被转手给了金巴利公司。不过金巴利公司并不想自己留下这套庄园,而是决定将其出售,所得利润将用来给股东分红。 当然,11亿美元的挂牌价对于一套房子来说不啻为天价。之前金巴利公司的CEO鲍勃·昆泽·康西维茨曾向彭博社表示,这套庄园至少将以不低于3.3亿美元的价格出售。即便是按照这个价格,它也依然将是市面上售价最贵的住宅。 |
The mansion, situated in the billionaire-laden French peninsula of Saint Jean Cap Ferrat near Nice, is currently owned by drinks maker Campari. It boasts 10 bedrooms, 30 stables, as well as a chapel. Its gardens have been deemed a national heritage site by France’s government, and it was once a holiday home for the King of Belgium, Leopold II. It has also housed stars including Charlie Chaplin and Elizabeth Taylor, according to CNBC. In the 1920s, the Marnier-Lapostolle family—which created Grand Marnier—snapped up the property. The property was later transferred to Campari when the company bought Grand Marnier for $760 million in March. Instead of keeping it, Campari decided to sell the property and divide the profits among its shareholders. Granted, the villa’s estimated $1.1 billion price tag is on the extreme high end of the spectrum. Previously, Campari CEO Bob Kunze Concewitz told Bloomberg that the mansion would sell for a minimum of $330 million. Even at that price, the villa would be the most expensive residential property to go on sale. |
在此之前,住房市场上售出的最贵的住宅是巴黎郊外的路易十四城堡,它于去年12月以2.75亿欧元的价格售出。 虽然莱斯德雷斯庄园的标价奇高无比,但它依然不乏询价之人。今年七月,鲍勃·昆泽·康西维茨曾透露称,中东和北美地区都曾有人询价,并表示出了购买兴趣。(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 |
The priciest piece of residential real estate sold so far goes to the Chateau Louis XIV just outside of Paris, which sold for 275 million euros in December. Despite its exorbitant price tag, the Villa Les Cedres is being circled by potential buyers. In July, Kunze-Concewitz revealed that interested parties from the Middle East and North America had already made inquiries. |