如果你是一名拿着很高薪水的CEO,那么你的员工对你的评价或许不会很高。 这是雇主点评网站Glassdoor最近的一项调查所得出的结论。该调查涵盖了7万余家上市公司的约120万名员工,根据这些员工对他们的老板的支持率评分,研究人员发现,薪酬水平很高的CEO在员工中的支持率往往要显著低于薪资水平较低的CEO。 该调查发现,企业顶级管理层的薪资水平近几十年来一直在持续增长。截止至2014年,标普500企业的CEO的平均工资约为一名普通工人的204倍。 研究发现,CEO涨薪的主要原因是企业绩效,但有些CEO的涨薪则是由于权力所衍生的效益——比如有的CEO能自己给自己涨工资。在所有样本企业中,CEO的平均年收入是1230万美元。 研究还表明,在上市公司里,CEO的薪资水平与员工对CEO的支持率之间存在着较强的关联。大体来看,薪资水平较低的CEO所获得的支持率最高,而薪资较高的CEO获得的支持率则最低。 该研究还发现,如果员工对公司的总体满意度较高,那么即使他们对CEO的支持率很低,这种不满也会有所冲淡。另外,如果CEO本人是也是公司的创始人,则其支持率平均要比外部聘用或内部提拔的CEO高出3.2%。 研究还发现,性别因素一般不会对CEO的支持率造成统计学上的影响。不过由于女性只占了被调查的CEO总人数的5%,因此基于这样一个小样本,研究人员恐怕还无法得出强有力的结论。 该研究还表明,年龄、任职时间和教育背景一般也不会对CEO支持率造成统计学上的影响。 如果按行业划分的话,CEO支持率水平最高的行业分别是房地产(76.1%)、建筑(72.8%)、信息技术(72.6%)、金融(72.41%)和保险(71.8%)业。CEO支持率水平最低的行业则分别是零售(61.4%)、加工(64.1%)、运输(64.3%)、采矿(64.4%)和媒体(64.5%)业。(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 |
If you’re a well-paid CEO, your employees may not think you’re doing a great job. That’s according to a new Glassdoor survey, which collected 1.2 million approval ratings from about 70,000 different publicly traded companies. From the data, researchers found that highly paid CEOs have significantly lower approval ratings than CEOs who are paid less. As of 2014, the study notes, the average CEO has earned 204 times the amount of a median worker’s pay at S&P 500 companies, as top executives’ average pay has continued to increase in recent decades. Pay raises are mainly due to merit, the study found, but some are the result of managerial power, i.e., the ability of CEOs to give themselves a raise. Out of the companies sampled, CEOs made an average yearly salary of $12.3 million. Albeit complex, the study affirms that there is a link between CEO pay and employee approval within public companies at a high level. Overall, lower-paid CEOs received the highest approval marks, while higher-paid CEOs received the lowest approval ratings. The study also found that when overall employee satisfaction is higher with a company, the effect of lower CEO approval ratings is lessened. CEOs who were also company founders boasted 3.2% higher approval ratings compared with those who were externally hired or internally promoted. The study found that gender didn’t have a statistical impact on CEO approval ratings. But since women only made up 5% of the executives surveyed, it was hard for researchers to draw strong conclusions from such a small amount. Age, tenure on the job, and education had no statistical impact on CEO approval ratings, according to the study. he most highly rated CEOs were found in real estate (76.1%), construction (72.8%), information technology (72.6%), finance (72.4%), and insurance (71.8%). The lowest average CEO ratings were in retail (61.4%), manufacturing (64.1%), transportation (64.3%), mining (64.4%), and media (64.5%). |