

adeline Farber 2016年11月08日
跟踪热词搜索频率的Google Trends发现,表情包的受欢迎程度历史上首次超过耶稣。


至少以跟踪热词搜索频率的Google Trends为标准来看是这样。科技博客网站Gizmodo上的消息显示,“表情包”的搜索次数其实在8月份就超过了“耶稣”,但直到上周二一位开发人员在推特上公布了这个发现后,大家才了解到这个情况。从2011年到现在,“耶稣”一直是搜索次数最多的词。


对于其他节日的流行趋势,谷歌推出了一个名为 Frightgeist的万圣节流行趋势平台。用户可以从中看到那些正在席卷全美的万圣节服装创意。排在第一的是《X特遣队》角色哈莉·奎茵的服装。该平台的互动地图显示,哈莉·奎茵式的服装在西雅图、芝加哥和纽约等城市特别流行。小丑的扮相和超级英雄通用服装也很热门,分列第二和第三位。(财富中文网)



For the first time ever, memes are more popular than Jesus.

At least that’s according to Google Trends, which tracks how often people search for particular terms. While “memes” actually surpassed “Jesus” in August, it wasn’t broadly acknowledged until Tuesday when a developer publicized the findings on Twitter, according to Gizmodo. Up until now, “Jesus” has consecutively been the most searched term since 2011.

But meme lovers shouldn’t get too excited: According to Gizmodo, Google GOOGL 0.85% searches for “Jesus” usually see an uptick around Christmas and Easter. And with Christmas just around the corner, it’s possible meme searches will drop off.

As for other holiday trends, Google released a Halloween-themed Trends platform called Frightgeist to show users what costume ideas are taking the country by storm earlier this week. The number one costume was for Suicide Squad character, Harley Quinn. An interactive map on the platform revealed that Quinn-style costumes were especially popular in cities like Seattle, Chicago, and New York. The Joker and a general superhero costume were also trending, coming in at No.2 and No 3., respectively.

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