

Jonathan Vanian 2017年05月08日


不过,在上周三圣迭戈举办的《财富》头脑风暴健康大会(Fortune’s Brainstorm Health conference)上,辉瑞制药(Pfizer)的副总裁和基因组科技部门主管莫滕·瑟高表示,尽管医疗业发展迅速,但在推出人工智能疗法和药品上还仍然处于初期阶段。







该领域的迅速创新总有一天能够帮助人类利用基因组、蛋白质和医学成像数据预测和诊断疾病,而联邦法规目前还没有跟上创新的步伐。不过瑟高对此充满希望。根据辉瑞与监管者的会面,他认为联邦药品管理局(Federal Drug Administration)在人工智能辅助医学治疗方面“很开明”。(财富中文网)


Artificial intelligence has shown promise in helping doctors predict which patients may be susceptible to chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s.

But despite the rapid advances, the healthcare industry is still in the early days of rolling out AI-powered treatments and drugs, Morten Sogaard, Pfizer’s vice president and head of genome sciences and technologies, said at Fortune’s Brainstorm Health conference in San Diego on Wednesday.

Pfizer (pfe, -0.42%) has been using AI techniques like machine learning for years to sift through data, help research new drug compounds (essentially the combination of multiple drugs), and determine the best participants for clinical trials, he said. “In some cases, it is nothing new,” Sogaard said about AI in healthcare.

What is new, however, is the rising flood of information like genomic data and sensor data from medical devices, he explained. This influx has made it more difficult to understand key connections that could help researchers discover new treatments.

Currently, Pfizer is using deep learning, which Google (goog, +1.04%) helped to popularize as a way to train computers to recognize cats in photos, to mine electronic health records and lab data. By doing so, Pfizer can better understand how ailments like autoimmune and fatty liver diseases progress, he explained.

Sogaard said that these deep learning techniques have shown promise in finding disease patterns across large groups of people, but the ultimate goal is to eventually help individual patients.

Pfizer has also partnered with IBM (ibm, -0.30%) to use its Watson data-crunching technology in pharmaceutical research. But the company is also open to partnering with Google, Amazon (amzn, -0.62%), and other cloud-computing providers to incorporate their own respective technologies.

Sogaard believes a handful of cloud computing providers will have AI technologies that drug companies could eventually use for research and development. However, “it will not all happen the day after tomorrow, of course,” he said.

Federal regulations have not yet caught up to the rapid pace of innovation that could one day help predict and diagnose diseases using a combination of genomic, protein, and medical imaging data. But Sogaard is hopeful, and based on Pfizer’s meetings with regulators, he believes the Federal Drug Administration is “open-minded” to AI-assisted medical treatment.

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