《经济学人》公布的全球宜居城市榜单上,墨尔本已连续七年排名第一。该榜单采用30个定性和定量指标,主要分为五类:社会稳定程度、医疗水平、文化氛围和环境、教育以及基础设施完善程度。榜单将140座城市按各项标准评分,满分100分,最低0分。 墨尔本最后得到97.5分,其中医疗、教育和基础设施项几乎满分。奥地利首都维也纳得到97.4分屈居第二,仅比墨尔本低0.1分。今年宜居城市前十名有六个要么在澳大利亚要么在加拿大(《经济学人》打分项中不考虑气候因素。) 前十五名里美国城市一个都没有,拖累的因素包括社会动荡、犯罪多发、恐怖主义威胁以及当前政治环境不太平。今年旧金山、洛杉矶、纽约和底特律跟前一年相比排名都有所下滑。 《经济学人》指出,过去十年虽然内战频发,常有恐怖主义袭击事件,经济上也困难重重,但总体来看全球城市的宜居程度还是略有提高。只是纽约、伦敦、巴黎和东京等“超级城市”受高犯罪率和拥堵等因素影响,排名很难靠前。由于内战连连,叙利亚大马士革连续五年在宜居城市榜单上排名垫底。 中国大陆有8座城市上榜,排名最高的是苏州,在140座城市中列第72位,最低的是青岛,排在第97位。另外,中国香港排在第45位,中国台北排在第60位。 以下是榜单上的8座中国大陆城市: 排名 城市 72 苏州 73 北京 77 天津 81 上海 84 深圳 88 大连 92 广州 97 青岛 (财富中文网) 译者:Pessy 审稿:夏林 |
For the seventh year running, The Economist has named the southeastern Australian city the most liveable in its Global Livability Report. The report uses 30 qualitative and quantitative factors that fall into five categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure. 140 cities are ranked using these criteria, on a scale from zero to 100. Melbourne received an overall score of 97.5, with perfect scores in health care, education, and infrastructure. Vienna, the Austrian capital, came in a close second, falling just 0.1 behind Melbourne at 97.4. Six of this year’s top ten most liveable cities are found in Australia or Canada (climate is not included in The Economist's calculations). Not a single city in the U.S. ranked in the top 15—civil unrest, crime, threats of terror and the current political environment all negatively affected the results for American cities. Cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, and Detroit have all seen a drop in their scores compared to previous years. The Economist noted that despite civil wars, terrorist attacks, and financial hardships over the past decade, however, global liveability has marginally increased. Yet for ‘megacities’ like New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo, crime and congestion levels remain high enough to prevent them from edging into the top rankings. Damascus, Syria once again came in as the least liveable city for the fifth year in a row—a reflection of Syria's ongoing civil war. |