上月底,詹姆斯·卡梅隆开始拍摄《阿凡达》四部续作中的第一部。这几部影片将采取“背靠背”拍摄方式,预算据称达10亿美元(66.4亿元人民币)。 《Vulture》杂志报道称,这几部3D影片公布拍摄计划已有相当长的时间,但摄制工作却是一拖再拖。延期的部分原因是卡梅隆想同时编写三部续集的剧本,但随后又觉得这样做比他原先预想的要复杂一些。《阿凡达》首部续集原定于2016年上映,接下来两部分别在2017和2018年跟观众见面。现在,第一部续作上映的时间已经落后于原计划中的最后一集。 目前,《阿凡达2》预计将于2020年12月18日公映,和第一集首映的时间正好相隔11年。随后,《阿凡达3》预计将在2022年12月与观众见面,第四和第五部登上大银幕的时间分别为2024年12月和2025年12月。 IMDB的数据显示,2009年上映的《阿凡达》估计预算为2.37亿美元。该片仅在美国就斩获票房逾7.60亿美元。(财富中文网) 译者:Charlie |
James Cameron started production on the first of his four Avatar sequels Tuesday. The films, which will be shot one right after the other, reportedly have a budget of $1 Billion. Vulture reports that the 3D movies were announced quite some time ago, but had been repeatedly delayed. The delay was due in part to the fact that Cameron wanted to write all three films simultaneously, before determining that doing so was a bit more complicated than he originally anticipated. The first of the Avatar sequels was originally slated to be released in 2016, followed by releases in 2017 and 2018. Now, the first sequel will come out after the final film in the series was originally scheduled to be released. The first sequel is now expected to be released in theaters on December 18, 2020, exactly 11 years after the original movie premiered in theaters. After that, Avatar 3 is expected to premiere in December 2012, Avatar 4 in December 2024, and Avatar 5 in December 2025. The original Avatar was released in 2009, and made with an estimated budget of $237 million, according to IMDB. The film grossed more than $760 million in the United States alone. |