BiC For Her是一家生产女性专用笔的公司,网民对该公司的理念付诸以愤怒和嘲讽,将其彻底扼杀。版权所有:苏菲·林德贝格
人人都会失败,不是吗?我们会从错误中汲取经验,有时也希望永远不再想起它们。不过,一家博物馆偏偏反其道而行,专门展示失败。 失败博物馆(Museum of Failure)收藏了近100件产品,它们充满创意,却出于各种原因而折戟。近期,博物馆从位于瑞典的大本营出发,开启全球巡展,并在洛杉矶市中心的建筑与设计博物馆(A+D Museum)稍作停留。失败博物馆宣布其位于好莱坞高地中心(Hollywood and Highland)的永久性分馆将在3月8日开馆。 与其名称相反,失败博物馆实际是在颂扬创新。博物馆由心理学家和创新研究者塞缪尔·韦斯特博士创办于瑞典,展出了许多产品,如苹果(Apple)的牛顿掌上电脑——具备记笔记和发传真功能,但手写识别功能欠佳;亨氏(Heinz)的EZ Squirt——喷出紫色或绿色番茄酱;可口可乐(Coca-Cola)昙花一现的健怡可乐与咖啡混合产品咖啡可乐等。博物馆收录的创意产品在尝试新事物方面迈出了一大步,不过未能得到消费者的青睐。公司生产出大获成功的产品之前,必要经历无数失败。失败博物馆不愿掩饰失败,而是展示瑕疵,希望营造一种积极的环境氛围,鼓励人们勇于创新,不惧失败。 浏览上文图片,欣赏博物馆展出的部分失败创意。(财富中文网) 译者:严匡正 |
Everyone fails sometimes, right? We try to learn from our mistakes, and sometimes hope to never be reminded of them again. But one museum is doing quite the opposite in a showcase highlighting only failure. The Museum of Failure is a collection of nearly 100 products that were successful in innovation, but in one way or another ended up going horribly wrong. From its Swedish home, the museum recently embarked on a world tour taking a pit stop in the A+D Museum in Downtown Los Angeles. It announced that a permanent museum in Hollywood and Highland will open Mar. 8. Contrary to its name though, the museum is a celebration of creativity. Originated in Sweden by psychologist and innovation researcher Dr. Samuel West, the museum is home to products like Apple’s Newton Messagepad—a messagepad that could take notes and send faxes but had poor handwriting capabilities, Heinz’s EZ Squirt purple or green colored ketchup, and Coca-Cola’s short-lived Diet Coke and coffee mixture dubbed Blak. The innovations housed here showcase products that took a large leap in trying something new, but ultimately did not stick with consumers. Instead of masking its failure, which happens countless times before a truly successful product is introduced by corporations, it shines light on imperfections in the hope of creating an environment where people are moved to innovate and not be afraid to fail. Check out the gallery above for some failed innovations showcased at the museum. |