虽然特朗普张口闭口必谈“买美国货,雇美国人”,但“第一女儿”伊万卡经营的时尚产品却是100%由海外代工的——至少一直到2017年初都是如此。 随着特朗普对中国举起贸易战大棒,伊万卡的海外代工产品如何规避关税,也将成为“第一女儿”不得不考虑的问题。据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,不久前,特朗普对从中国进口的汽车零部件、医疗设备等加征了340亿美元的关税。 不过此次加征关税并不涉及衣帽和鞋类——也就是伊万卡的公司进口的那些产品。 美国贸易代表处解释道,此次征税的产品是经过精心挑选的,选择的都是对美国经济和美国消费者影响最小的产品。而真相核实网站Snopes则指出,美国如果对进口衣帽、鞋类征收关税,则会对美国消费者产生重大影响。因为2016年美国进口成衣的35%都产自中国。另据《南华早报》引自美国成衣及鞋业公会的数据,美国市场上销售的72%的鞋类产品也产自中国。 美国经济的很多领域已经感受到了中美贸易战带来的压力。以大豆为例,它在美国农产品出口中占了相当大的份额。而现在,大豆已经和烟草制品、乳制品等一同成为了中国对等报复的目标。(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 |
Despite her father’s rallying cry to “buy American and hire American,” 100% of Ivanka Trump’s fashion products were made overseas—at least until early 2017. And now her goods are avoiding the sweeping tariffs enacted by President Trump in his trade war with China. Recently, Trump implemented $34 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods ranging from auto parts to medical devices, according to the Huffington Post. Clothing and shoes, like those imported by Ivanka Trump’s company, were spared. The Office of the United States Trade Representative explained that the goods to be levied with tariffs were chosen based on what would disrupt the U.S. economy the least and have the least impact on consumers. Snopes, the fact checking website, pointed out that imposing tariffs would have a large impact on American consumers because 35% of all apparel imported in 2016 came from China. And 72% of shoes sold in the U.S. are from China, according to the South China Morning Post, citing the American Apparel and Footwear Association. Many others in the U.S. are already feeling the effects of the tariffs. Soybeans, which represent a huge slice of American agricultural exports, are being targeted as well as cigarettes and dairy products, among other products. |