

David Meyer 2018-10-28

在10月24日于布鲁塞尔召开的第40届数据保护和隐私专员国际会议(International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners)上,蒂姆·库克登上了讲台,火力全开。

他的目标是什么?这不是这位苹果(Apple)的首席执行官第一次针对他的硅谷同行,也就是他所谓的“数据产业集团”(data-industrial complex)。按照库克的说法,人们的个人数据以“军事般的高效”被“武器化”,技术被用于加剧分裂,“破坏我们对于真与假的感知”。





然而,库克建议的解决方案不像他起初的说法那么具备争议:“美国应推出全面的数据隐私法律”,就像欧盟的《通用数据保护条例》(General Data Protection Regulation,简称GDPR)一样。





Tim Cook took to the stage on Octber 24 morning in Brussels, at the 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners. And he went in with all guns blazing.

His targets? Not for the first time, the Apple CEO took aim at his Silicon Valley peers and what he calls the “data-industrial complex.” According to Cook, people’s personal data is being “weaponized” with “military efficiency,” and technology is being used to deepen divisions and “undermine our sense of what is true and what is false.”

“Data assembled to create a digital profile lets companies know you better than you know yourself. This is surveillance,” he said. It will be interesting to see what Mark Zuckerberg, due to appear at the conference via video message on October 24 afternoon, will add on this front. Apple of course has a less data-centric business model than Google or Facebook, and a CEO who has no reason to be on the defensive.

We believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. No matter what country you live in, that right should be protected in keeping with four essential principles:

— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) October 24, 2018

Here’s Cook neatly expressing what I’ve been yelling about for a long time: “We will never achieve technology’s true potential without the full faith and confidence of the people who use it.” Especially after this year, with its myriad Facebook and Google scandals about people’s data ending up in unexpected places, that faith is now sorely lacking.

Cook’s proposed cure, however, is not as controversial as it may at first seem: A “comprehensive data privacy law in the United States,” along the lines of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

When the GDPR came into effect this past May, tech industry lobbyists claimed it would be a disaster for the Internet. But then California passed a sweeping new privacy law that, like the GDPR, gave people the right to demand companies tell them what personal data of theirs is being stored, why it’s being stored, and with whom it’s being shared. Consumers will be able to demand their data is deleted, too.

Like it or not, these measures are starting to be introduced in the U.S. and, as Veeam’s Danny Allan wrote on October 23 in a Fortune piece, there’s a real risk of a regulatory patchwork that makes life difficult for businesses trying to operate across state lines. What people often forget about the GDPR is that it was largely designed to fix a similar problem in the EU, harmonizing data protection rules across member states to make life more predictable for businesses.

This is why Apple, Google, Amazon and Twitter all pressed for a national data protection law last month. The big question now is what such a law might look like—and what it will mean for a Silicon Valley where not everyone is ultimately singing from the same hymn sheet.
