一条视频引起了埃及社会各界的轩然大波。视频里,一对情侣游客赤身露体出现在埃及最大的胡夫金字塔顶部。 这段时长为3分钟的视频显示,这对情侣攀上了金字塔,背景是埃及首都开罗夜晚的天际线,而攀援本身就是违法行为。视频还显示,登上塔顶以后,女游客脱去上衣。视频结尾是太阳升起,两名游客赤身相拥。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,埃及文物部部长哈立德·阿纳尼称,视频中游客的举动违反了社会公德,埃及司法部部长表示将调查此事及相关视频。 但胡夫金字塔的总负责人阿拉什夫·莫希向埃及发行量最大的日报Al-Ahram旗下的英文媒体Ahram Online表示,视频不是真的。莫希说,金字塔周边的安保措施非常严格,有一条8000米长的围栏,所以视频可能是合成的。而且从视频看,金字塔周围的光线和视频拍摄时间的实际光线相比显得太过明亮。 这段视频一开始由丹麦摄影师安德烈亚斯·维德发布在视频网站YouTube上。维德因为发布世界各地的风光而成为网红。据CNN报道,他向丹麦日报《Ekstra Bladet》透露,希望能攀登胡夫金字塔,今年早些时候他曾试图登塔,但被警方逮捕。 维德说:“看到这么多人生气,我很难过。但很多埃及人也给我发来积极的反馈,我觉得这些回应值得纪念。” 他在YouTube上已删除这条视频。(财富中文网) 译者:Pessy 审校:夏林 |
A video showing a tourist couple in a naked embrace at the peak of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Khufu) is stirring up controversy among the Egyptian community. With the night skyline of the city of Cairo behind them, the 3-minute video shows the couple climbing the pyramid—an illegal act in itself. Once they reach the top, the woman proceeds to take off her shirt and the video ends with an image of the nude couple embracing as the sun begins to rise. Minister of Antiquities Khaled al-Anani called the act a violation of public morality, and said the incident and the video will be investigated by the attorney general, reported CNN. But Ashraf Mohi, director general of the Giza Plateau, told Ahram Online the video wasn’t real at all. Mohi said that since there is heavy security, including an 8-kilometer fence around the pyramids, the video is likely a fake. The surrounding area in the video also appears too bright for the time the video was allegedly taken, he said. The video was originally posted on YouTube by Danish photographer Andreas Hvid, who is popular on social media for his different posts around the world. Hvid told Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet that his goal was to climb the Great Pyramid, according to CNN, with an attempt earlier this year that ended with him being caught by the police. “I’m sad that so many people have become so angry. But I have also received a positive response from a lot of Egyptians—something I think is worth remembering,” Hvid said. The video has since been removed from YouTube. |