

Kevin Kelleher 2018-12-23

《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)于周二报道称,SpaceX正在通过私人股本进行5亿美元的融资,该轮融资给这家由埃隆·马斯克创立的公司的估值为305亿美元。

《华尔街日报》表示,尽管融资条款已经商定,但正式宣布消息还要等到本月晚些时候。该轮融资的投资者包括现有的SpaceX股东,以及苏格兰的投资公司Baillie Gifford。后者在马斯克同样担任首席执行官的特斯拉(Tesla)还持有7.6%的股份。


上月,美国联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)批准了SpaceX的Starlink计划,为该公司在接下来几年里打造卫星网络扫清了障碍。

Crunchbase报道称,在此之前,SpaceX已经通过17轮股本和债权融资获得了总计22亿美元。而在不久以前的上个月,SpaceX又通过美国银行(Bank of America)的高收益贷款获得了2.5亿美元,低于公司预期的7.5亿美元。(财富中文网)


SpaceX is in the process of raising $500 million in a private equity round that would value the Elon Musk-founded company as being worth $30.5 billion, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

Although terms of the financing have been agreed upon, the news isn’t expected to be officially announced until later this month, The Journal said. Investors in the round include existing SpaceX shareholders as well as Baillie Gifford, a Scottish investment firm that also owns a 7.6% stake in Tesla, where Musk is also CEO.

The funding will help finance Starlink, an ambitious project to launch thousands of satellites into low-Earth orbit that will provide broadband internet service. With Starlink, SpaceX hopes to eventually launch 12,000 satellites that will orbit between 200 and 800 miles above Earth’s surface, bringing better internet access to rural areas and developing countries.

Last month, the Federal Communications Commission approved SpaceX’s Starlink plan, clearing the way for the satellite network to be built in coming years.

Before now, SpaceX has raised a total of $2.2 billion during 17 previous rounds of equity and debt financing, according to Crunchbase. Most recently, SpaceX raised $250 million last month through a high-yield loan facilitated by Bank of America, an amount that was below the $750 million SpaceX initially sought.
