

Rachel King 2019-05-09

2009年出版的《偶然的亿万富豪》(The Accidental Billionaires)曾被改编成电影《社交网络》。读过原著或看过电影的人可能都觉得,泰勒和卡梅隆·文克莱沃斯兄弟在Facebook发展历程的影响被忽略了,着墨很少。现在,该书作者本·莫兹里奇推出了新书《比特币亿万富翁:一个有关天才、背叛和救赎的真实故事》(Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption)(Flatiron Books出版),这次富有创业精神的两兄弟终于当上主角,书中介绍了两人与Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格法庭大战之后的生活与工作。近几年随着比特币的价格大起大落,加密数字货币粉丝对这两位创立的数字货币基金应该已经很熟悉。莫兹里奇对两兄弟过去十年经历的描写引人入胜,开卷就让人欲罢不能,没准好莱坞也会将两人的故事搬上大银幕。(财富中文网)

本文刊发于2019年5月1日期《财富》杂志,标题为《扎克伯格之后:文克莱沃斯兄弟新的人生篇章》(After Zuck: The Winklevii’s Next Chapter)。



Readers of 2009’s The Accidental Billionaires (and viewers of the film adaptation, The Social Network) might have thought that Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss got short shrift—both in what happened at Facebook and in having a smaller slice of the narrative. Now author Ben Mezrich is back to give the entrepreneurial twins the lead roles in a new book, Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption (Flatiron Books), tracing their lives and work since the late-aughts’ legal battle with Mark Zuckerberg. Cryptocurrency followers should already be familiar with the pair’s digital currency fund as Bitcoin has blown up and gone haywire in recent years. But Mezrich’s account of their past decade is gripping from the opening pages, potentially setting the twins up for yet another portrayal by Hollywood.

A version of this article appears in the May 2019 issue of Fortune with the headline “After Zuck: The Winklevii’s Next Chapter.”
